Once in a while, there are questions or concerns that surface, that women of all ages are too embarrassed to ask their gynecologist.
There are several reasons why women don’t open up about female issues at the gynecologist’s office. The most common reason has to do with how women feel about their body.
Fear of Judgment
Even though it’s the 21st-century, women’s sexuality can be taboo. In fact, women admit that they can be pretty quiet during their visits because they are worried that they will be judged.
The truth is, in order for you to be experience optimal reproductive and vaginal health, you need to be honest with your gynecologist.
You’ll be surprised at the things you learn about your body – and how to better take care of it – if you take the bold step of asking all of those burning questions you are keeping to yourself.
Top 8 Gynecologists Embarrassing Questions
If you’re like most women, you probably have very personal questions you’ve been contemplating to ask your gynecologist. But sometimes, you just can’t muster up the courage to do so.
You’re not alone!
Don’t let fear, anxiety or feeling “awkward,” keep you in the dark about your body and how it works!
Below is a list of the most common questions women are too embarrassed to ask.
The goal is to help you understand and empower you to ask as many questions as you need to ensure your body is healthy.
1. Does IT Look Normal?
It’s completely acceptable to be curious about how you stack up in comparison to other women. Is my vulva bigger or smaller than the average woman? Does it have a funny shape?
Gynecologist examine thousands of women each year, which makes us a great resource to help you gauge your own body.
So next time you’re in the office don’t be too embarrassed to throw out that question.
2. Should I Shave / Groom / Wax Before My Visit?
Going to the gynecologist can be a very intimidating experience; especially if it’s your first time or your first time with a new gynecologist.
Many women admit that they are concerned about what exactly the gynecologists is thinking when we’re examining down there.
Instead of guessing what gynecologists think about personal grooming, come as you are!
What’s important is that you are comfortable and clean!
3. How Much Pain Is Normal While On My Period?
There isn’t enough information out there about the pain associated with periods.
You may come across the occasional magazine article, or talk show segment addressing the issue. And you can always count on swapping stories with your close girlfriends, but realistically… that’s not enough.
If you are uncertain whether you are experiencing more pain or discomfort than normal during your period, tell your gynecologist.
Statistically, 90% of women report experiencing some degree of pain while on their period. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it.
Also, pain tolerance is entirely subjective. If you are experiencing mild or moderate pain, taking an over the counter pain reliever may suffice. If the pain still persists… it’s time to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.
There are far too many gynecological and reproductive disorders that go un-diagnosed because women do not talk to their gynecologist about the pain they are experiencing.
Truthfully, all of the discomfort you may be feeling could be a result of an underlying medical condition. Asking the right questions will ensure you get the treatment you need!
4. Is Vaginal Discharge Normal?
Vaginal discharge is absolutely normal. A good metaphors is to consider the vagina as a “self-cleaning oven.”
You should expect to see vaginal discharge throughout your life, until menopause.
5. Why Does My Vaginal Discharge Smell?
The smell, color and consistency can and will change depending on a variety of factors.
Normal discharge has a consistency pretty similar to mucus! It can be stringy, slippery, and a little thick.
Color may vary from light grey to white, but can also be clear. Typically, discharge is oderless
Depending on where you are in your cycle, your discharge can be thicker, cloudy and viscous, or slippery and clear.
Surprisingly, all of these parameters are well within the range of “normal,” and should be expected.
Abnormal discharge can be clumpy or watery.
Pay particular attention should the discharge color be yellow or pink-ish.
The biggest clue for abnormal discharge is the smell! If you start to notice a pungent odor coming from your vagina, it’s probably a warning sign that it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist to figuring out what may be causing it.
6. Why Am I No Longer Interested In Sex?
While it may be an embarrassing question to ask… you are not alone!
Many women experience a lack of interest in sex due to low libido. Your “libido” or “sex drive,” can be attributed to stress, lack of physical exercise or hormonal imbalance, among other things.
If you are having trouble getting in the mood due to low libido, it may be a sign that you are dealing with sexual dysfunction.
7. Why Can’t I Reach An Orgasm?
Studies show that 10- 20 percent of women experience difficulty achieving orgasms during sexual intercourse with a partner.
There is no reason to be ashamed if you are not finding sex pleasurable enough to reach an orgasm. The good news is there are treatments available to help you restore your ability to reach it.
You deserve to have an amazing sexual experience, if that is not happening, speak up!
8. Why Is Intercourse Painful?
Let’s set the record straight! If your only experience with sex is painful, chances are you’ve just come to assume that’s the way it’s “supposed to be.”
Not true! Healthy sexual intercourse with your partner should be pleasurable. Your discomfort is probably your body trying to tell you something. Listen to it and visit your gynecologist!
In many cases, your remedy could be as simple as a prescription or non-surgical, painless treatment. But you will never know, if you don’t ask!
So, check in with your doctor to find out if there’s an underlying medical or psychological issue that is getting in the way of you having a healthy life.
Talk to Your Gynecologist
Were any of your questions on the list? If so, great!
Are you still feeling awkward about asking your questions? So what?! No matter the topic, talk with your gynecologist!
If you need help preparing you can always take a few seconds while you’re getting ready in the morning to practice and get some of the nerves out.
The important thing to remember is that gynecologist are here to make sure you are healthy and living your best life.