Skin creases known as nasolabial folds can be found on both sides of the nose and at the corners of the mouth. Sometimes these are referred to as laugh or smile lines. If you smoke or don’t take care of your skin in the sun, the creases may grow deeper as you age. It is possible to treat them to make them less noticeable. 

There are various nasolabial fold treatment options available, with the so-called vampire facial being the most popular at the moment. If you’re interested in reducing the appearance of your laugh lines this way, you’re welcome to check out the benefits of a vampire facelift at Margate, Florida, for yourself. 

What Causes Nasolabial Folds to Form?

Nasolabial folds deepen with time and are exacerbated by sun damage, smoking, and the aging process. UV radiation from the sun degrades the elastin and collagen fibers that give your skin its suppleness and strength. This type of fiber is also weakened by smoking.

Without UV damage or smoking, normal aging can also contribute to forming your first nasolabial fold. Cheekbones lose their youthful definition as you get older. If this happens, your cheek skin may start to sag. When you factor in gravity’s constant downward pull on your skin plus the body’s normal loss of collagen and elastin over time, you have a recipe for sagging skin, wrinkles, and smile lines.

Nasolabial folds can also be caused by rapid weight loss or gain. Skin, especially on the face and neck, can become lax after significant weight reduction. Also, the laugh lines may become more pronounced, and the cheeks may swell due to gaining weight.

Furthermore, constantly sleeping on one side may cause a more pronounced nasolabial fold on that side of your face. If you are worried about the depth of your wrinkles and smile lines, try sleeping on your back instead. However, getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining great skin and overall wellness, so if you simply can’t sleep well on your back, don’t force yourself to do it. 

A Woman Is Pointing at Her Smile Lines

Is It Possible to Prevent Nasolabial Folds?

For smoother, younger-looking skin and to avoid developing deeper laugh lines, it is essential to wear sun protection and abstain from smoking. Sunscreen should be used daily, as the American Academy of Dermatology suggests.

The quality of your skin and the appearance of wrinkles can both be improved by using moisturizing skincare products. It’s recommended to protect your skin’s collagen and elastin with products containing antioxidants like vitamin C. Retinol-containing skin care products have been linked to increased cell turnover, which contributes to a more youthful appearance. While utilizing retinol, it is essential to always protect the skin with sunscreen and hydrate. They can make skin more sensitive to the sun by drying it out.

There’s no special diagnostic procedure to determine the presence of nasolabial folds. They’re either there or not. It’s up to you to decide whether anti-aging medical treatment is the right choice for you. 

Best Nasolabial Fold Treatment Options

Finding the proper nasolabial fold treatment for your deepening smile lines requires identifying the underlying problem. This is something a skincare specialist can do.

Nasolabial Fold Filler

Nasolabial fold reduction typically begins with dermal fillers, often injected into the cheek area. This plumps the area and makes the skin more elastic. If the crease is severe enough, a different sort of nasolabial fold filler may be employed, and the amount may also vary. Both hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite, which are naturally present in the skin and bones, are used in the most common fillers. Both have demonstrated efficacy in enhancing collagen production and restoring skin elasticity.

Fillers can be administered quickly and easily in the doctor’s office with minimal downtime. Light bruising may occur, but patients can instantly apply makeup. The problem is that nasolabial fold fillers only work temporarily. Most of the time, they last between six months and two years.

The Skin Tightening Procedure

Dermatologists and other skin care specialists may apply skin-tightening treatment if sagging skin is to blame for undesirable nasolabial creases. Among these are ultrasound and fractional laser therapy.

The methods are similar. To a small degree, they harm the skin’s base layer. This promotes collagen production, resulting in firmer, stronger skin. Unfortunately, most people’s nasolabial folds won’t improve noticeably with just skin tightening.

Cosmetic Surgery

Nasolabial creases and other indications of aging can be significantly minimized with either a cheek lift or a full facelift. 

However, remember that permanently successful nasolabial fold treatment does not exist. While specific therapies have a long shelf life, you can’t stop the effects of aging forever. Even surgical improvements will age and change in appearance over time.

Collagen Induction Therapy

Microneedling is a form of collagen induction therapy used to stimulate the body’s collagen synthesis.

Needling is based on the premise that the body’s natural production of collagen can reverse the effects of aging on the skin by plumping fine lines and wrinkles like laugh lines.

You should expect to see the full effects of microneedling after nine months. The appearance of bruises, redness, or skin discoloration during the healing process is to be expected. The typical number of sessions is between three and six.

OTC Topical Products

Anti-wrinkle creams available over-the-counter (OTC) are less expensive than other available solutions. It has been hypothesized that retinol can reduce the formation of wrinkle-causing free radicals.

Wrinkles and fine lines can be treated using various methods, including vitamin C, hydroxy acids, and peptides. However, the results from over-the-counter creams may take months to appear, and they aren’t long-lasting. 

Interesting At-Home Treatment for Smile Lines

If you want to minimize the appearance of wrinkles around your lips, try this simple at-home exercise:

  • Pull your lips apart a little.
  • Gently pull the mouth corners back toward the neck with your fingertips.
  • Pull back with the lips in a parallel position.
  • Hold the pull for about 10 seconds.
  • Then release the hold and relax your skin.
  • Proceed to repeat this exercise anywhere between 10 and 25 times. 

Hyaluronic Acid Injection

To Conclude

An inevitable consequence of getting older is the development of laugh lines. Lines and wrinkles, if present, may become more pronounced with age. However, there are measures you can take to lessen the impact of this.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of anti-wrinkle creams explicitly designed for laugh lines. If you want to know the ideal options for your situation, go to your doctor. Surgical procedures are available, but they are not always essential. Your smile lines don’t have to get worse with age. Skin care and general health go hand in hand. 

Feel free to reach out to Fern F. Taisenchoy-Bent, MD, if you’re interested in exploring the novel anti-aging techniques.