As we may all know, menopause is an entirely natural, biological process that occurs in a woman’s life, signaling that her childbearing years have come to an end. Usually, this life period starts when women reach the age of 51 (or so the available data suggest), but in some cases, women may reach menopause at a younger age, in their 40s. 

The trained and compassionate female gynecology specialists in Margate, Florida, at Fern F. Taisenchoy-Bent, MD LLC, know that for some women, the transition is rather smooth, with no apparent and uncomfortable menopause symptoms. Still, for others, the signs of lack of estrogen may produce a series of problematic issues, such as night sweats and hot flashes, just to name a few. And often, these bothering symptoms may be relieved by using HRT or hormone replacement therapy. 

Still, the question begs to be answered: What exactly is HRT, is it the right choice for every patient, and what are the signs suggesting that you might need hormone replacement therapy? In this article, we’ll do our best to explore the answers and set you up with all the knowledge you need to make a more informed decision. 

About HRT: What Is It And How Does It Work? 

For the most part, menopause starts with women producing signs of low estrogen. More specifically, menopause starts with the female body sopping estrogen reduction. This hormonal setback can produce several bodily changes and uncomfortable conditions, which usually constitute the main symptoms of menopause. 

That said, if you opt for hormone replacement therapy or HRT, your provider will typically prescribe medication that will contain the female hormones that are lacking in your hormonal system. Taken daily, these compounds may bring relief from the bothering symptoms of menopause. 

Additionally, hormone replacement therapy may also come with more benefits – in most cases, it will also prevent further bone loss and will significantly reduce the chances of suffering bone fractures and breaks. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Signs You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy

As we’ve already discussed before, some women experience no signs of lack of estrogen, meaning they never experience true menopause symptoms or the signs of just very mild. However, if the symptoms you are experiencing are making even getting through the day challenging, you should reach out to your healthcare provider for further guidance. 

Still, if you want to answer the question. “How do you know if you need HRT?” The following signs may help you with getting a cleverer answer.

Chronically Itching and Burning Vagina

While this might not be an obvious sign you need hormone replacement therapy, it can signal the lack of estrogen. First of all, several things may lead to vaginal burning and itching, such as sexually transmitted infections or yeast infections. Still, if you are experiencing chronic discomfort in your vaginal area, scheduling an appointment with your medical expert should be a priority. 

The itching and burning might be signs of a lack of estrogen, as this hormone is mainly responsible for proper vaginal lubrication, and it also plays a pivotal role in maintaining vaginal elasticity and thickness. 

Signs of low estrogen will often include vaginal thinning and inflammation, which may lead to vaginal atrophy, which is usually the culprit behind the chronic itching and burning in menopuase.

Low Libido

The reduction in estrogen levels can bring about changes in your sexual desire, and certain women may encounter greater difficulty in achieving sexual arousal. Vaginal dryness and the thinning of vaginal tissues are common outcomes of menopause, potentially leading to discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse.

Nevertheless, this experience is not uniform for all women. Some individuals report sustaining a satisfying sexual life even after entering menopause.

Chronic Insomnia

It shouldn’t come as a surprise when we say that almost the entire nation has problems with sleep deprivation. Still, you might not have known that other signs of lack of estrogen and entering menopause may show themselves as sleeping problems in women.

Sleep deprivation can lead to several other issues, such as the following: 

  • Memory problems.
  • Difficulties concentrating on tasks.
  • Anxiety and/or depression.
  • Higher accident risks while driving or operating other vehicles.
  • Increased risk for heart disease, hypertension, and other chronic diseases.

Night Sweats

The disbalances in women’s hormone levels during menopause may also affect their internal temperature regulation. And because of this, the blood vessels in the body may expand, creating internal heat waves that cause red skin and sweating. These night sweats may also be prevalent in women who are undergoing perimenopause, which is the period that precedes menopause. 

Hot Flashes 

This stands as one of the primary issues encountered by women going through menopause. The occurrence of a hot flash is linked to the decrease in estrogen levels, which causes the internal thermostat of your body, referred to as the hypothalamus, to become more responsive to even minor fluctuations in body temperature. As a result, your hypothalamus might misinterpret your genuine warmth or coolness, setting off a series of responses that culminate in the manifestation of a hot flash.

Mood Swings

Experiencing mood swings every now and then is usually normal. Still, during menopause, the hormonal changes that take place may make these mood swings more frequent and more severe. They can be so intense that they may interfere with women completing their daily tasks. 

How do you know that you need HRT when experiencing mood swings? Well, eating a balanced diet often, participating in regular exercise, and adopting effective relaxation methods like meditation and yoga can help. Still, there are cases when these actions simply aren’t working. If you still struggle with mood swings even after trying everything above, consider them signs that you should start an HRT regimen.

Urinary Issues

The decline in estrogen levels that women undergo during menopause can lead to a weakening of the urethra, the slender tube responsible for allowing urine to exit the body from the kidneys. Consequently, some women might encounter challenges in reaching the restroom promptly. 

Additionally, it’s common for urine to involuntarily leak when coughing, sneezing, or laughing, a condition known as urinary stress incontinence.

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Hair Loss

The signs of low estrogen during menopuase may also show as thinning hair. Still, it’s essential to remember that there are also other hair loss causes, like age, genetics, illness, or nutritional deficiencies

Still, if you believe or know that the culprit behind your thinning hair is menopause and the lack of estrogen, don’t hesitate to contact your provider to take the next steps in managing your symptoms. 

HRT: Which Types are Right For You?

When we are talking about hormone replacement therapy, we know that there’s no single solution that will meet the needs of every single patient. That’s why it’s essential to evaluate your situation with experienced and compassionate experts. By working closely with them, you can formulate a treatment plan that will be tailored to your needs and preferences. 

Our team possesses both expertise and compassion. You can talk to us without feeling embarrassed about your symptoms. We are here to help and will work tirelessly to create a treatment plan that will bring you relief.