Specialists refer to the first six weeks after the delivery as the postpartum period. During this time, the mother recuperates from the pregnancy and delivery. She learns about the necessary postpartum care steps to take appropriate care of herself and the newborn. 

After delivering a baby, the mother experiences changes in and on the body, mostly temporary and rarely severe. Despite the mild nature of the changes, the chosen medical staff creates a plan of infant care, as well as after-birth care for the mother, so that both recover as quickly as possible from the delivery process, as well as the pregnancy. 

Some of the most common issues new mothers can face when it comes to their postpartum recovery process are excessive bleeding, different infections in the uterus, bladder, kidney, and breasts, as well as issues with breastfeeding and postpartum depression. 

To help you deal with the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to set a goal concerning the quality of the services you wish to have. The benefits and services of pregnancy care in Pembroke Pines are many, but ACE OBGYN LLC clinic continuously works on enhancing its team expertise and what it can offer, making this clinic one of the best ones when it comes to postpartum care. 

After-Birth Care for the Mother

A Blonde Mother Is Doing Fitness With Her Little Baby on the Floor in the Room.

The after-birth care process begins immediately in the hospital after the mother has delivered the baby. Doctors monitor the patient’s health for a few hours after birth, check their pulse and temperature, give oxygen and fluids, and try to manage the pain levels, infections, and bleeding as much as possible. 

Reduction of bleeding is the most critical step after delivery, as well as monitoring the blood loss during delivery. Regular urination in the immediate postpartum period is also of extreme importance in order to avoid any potential bladder infections. 

As the body changes after giving birth, the new mothers are encouraged to start eating well right away and walking as soon as possible. The first exercises that are recommended are abdominal ones, which are advised only if the delivery is vaginal. If the woman underwent a Cesarean section, she should not start exercising for at least 8 weeks or more till she is completely healled. 

Different vaccines are given to pregnant women during and after the delivery, such as rubella, vaccine if the mother does not have immunity to rubella, and Tdap vaccine if was not received during the last trimester of pregnancy, in order to protect their health after this significant change in their bodies. All of these are given according to their vaccination record and status. 

Before leaving the hospital, the mothers generally get an overall physical check-up and guidance from their chosen doctor about the days ahead, what to expect, the potential body changes after giving birth, how to mitigate them, and so on. The baby’s health is also checked, and the pediatrician, in agreement with the patient, recommends a follow up for the infant in 2-3 days and in 7 days also making sure the infant is gaining enough wait and the bilirubin level stays in normal range

There are some additional issues when it comes to the after-birth care for the mother; below you can find more details and prepare yourself:

Vaginal discharge is a very common occurrence after delivery, so make sure you prepare pads and check the color and amount of the discharge regularly. It is supposed to be bloody for a few days, then brown, and after a few weeks, turn almost white. After six weeks, the discharge should be gone. 

Medication for pain management is advised for women who are not breastfeeding. For those who are, ibuprofen is safe, but this must be discussed with the chosen doctor before consumption. 

A sore genital area is another issue women face after vaginal delivery, and tears of the vaginal tissue can additionally cause pain and swelling. Ice packs are the most common solution for this issue, as well as anesthetic products. After a few days, women are advised to wash the area with warm water three to four times a day and have warm sitz baths. 

Hemorrhoids are a condition that often occurs due to the pushing of the baby during delivery. Warm sitz baths and gels tend to help elevate the pain.

Breasts can be enlarged and sore because of the lactation process, and resolving this issue depends on whether the mother breastfeeds or not. Please consult your chosen doctor regarding the solutions to the engorgement of breasts during the postpartum period. 

Mood swings are another common problem, and many people connect this to postpartum depression. There is a significant difference since the “baby blues” last for a few days, and they are very typical for new mothers, while postpartum depression can last for a few weeks, even months. 

The symptoms are also different, where during the “baby blues,” the mothers experience irritability, insomnia, mood swings, restlessness, etc., while during the postpartum depression, the symptoms include feelings of guilt, loss of interest in the baby and everyday life, thoughts about hurting the baby, sense of worthlessness, and the like. 

Postpartum depression is a serious condition that demands medical attention and treatment. If you start experiencing these symptoms, contact your chosen doctor immediately and consult with them about potential solutions. 

Infant Care During the Postpartum Period 

Happy Mother and Newborn Baby

When it comes to taking care of the baby during the first six weeks after delivery, the mother’s obligations mostly revolve around breastfeeding, i.e., baby nutrition, regular check-ups of the infant’s health, and mitigating any issues which might occur. 

It is recommended that women try breastfeeding as need it but not spaced more than 3hrs at the beginning. After six months, the mothers should continue breastfeeding while introducing food, and if they cannot or do not want to breastfeed, the bottle-feeding method is an additional baby nutrition option. 

Breastfeeding is a process new mothers learn step by step, from the proper positioning of the child, nipple placement, and nipple aftercare, to the mother’s diet adjustment and similar. The mother must increase the number of calories in her daily intake and take more vitamins and minerals during breastfeeding so that the baby’s nutrition (in this case, the milk) is also full of nutrients necessary for healthy child development and progress. 

The newborn baby needs regular visits with the pediatrician, who will check whether it is developing properly and if any issues might require addressing and treatment. Adjusting your life to accommodate a baby will not be easy, but the joy that brings it and the connection mothers feel with their children are said to be irreplaceable and simply incredible. Enjoy it!

Contact Us!

The postpartum care period is actually an immense learning opportunity for new mothers. Any type of additional help and advice is more than welcome, as our experience has shown us, so feel free to reach out to our friendly staff, who will be there to help answer all your questions and concerns. Until then, enjoy being a mother, and congratulations!