Implantation bleeding is a condition that occurs when the egg, which has previously been fertilized, attaches itself to the uterus lining in order to begin the pregnancy process. This usually means that the woman is pregnant, and it is not always a sign that something is wrong with the person’s overall health. This said, keep your doctor informed if the bleeding occurs, just to be on the safe side. 

When doing your prenatal care, it is of the utmost importance to find high-quality pregnancy care in Pembroke Pines. Many different doctor offices offer prenatal care. Still, if you want to have a highly experienced team with numerous success stories, it would be good to visit ACE OBGYN LLC and find out why they are considered to be one of the best in the field. 

Although the abovementioned type of spotting is not necessarily looked at as a negative occurrence, it is essential to understand the basics, at least to be able to recognize the condition and act accordingly when it occurs. Below we are bringing you answers to some questions which have been asked by many women up until now. 

When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur and Why?

Pregnant Woman Talking to Doctor at Home

When it comes to any health condition, it is crucial to know its origin and why it occurs in the human body. Above, we have mentioned the origin of the implantation discharge. Still, we want to elaborate more on when does implantation bleeding happen and why so women know “what to expect when expecting.”

Usually, after 10 to 14 days post-conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg), the embryo passes through the fallopian tube and positions itself on the uterus wall. This is referred to as implantation, and sometimes it causes some of the wall blood vessels to break and blood to appear in the form of implantation discharge. 

This occurrence is very often confused with menstruation, so here are the main differences between the two: 

  • Bleeding is lighter, and implantation bleeding color is either pink or dark brown.
  • There is no clotting when implantation discharge occurs. 
  • The occurrence does not require any medical attention. 
  • Although the timing of both is pretty similar (10-14 days after ovulation), implantation bleeding occurs a little bit earlier, making women think that they just got their period earlier than usual.
  • The amount of blood is much smaller in comparison to the period flow, so people also call it spotting rather than bleeding. 
  • It usually lasts from a few hours to three days, while the period can last up to seven days.
  • Some physical manifestations of implantation bleeding, apart from the actual blood, are nausea, very light cramps, and frequent urination. 

So, keep an eye on the implantation bleeding color, amount, and timing to be able to recognize and differentiate between your regular period and potential pregnancy. 

Symptoms of Implantation Bleeding

From the abovementioned facts, it can be concluded that implantation bleeding is one of the first signs that a woman might be pregnant. Below we are bringing you an extensive list of symptoms of implantation bleeding that will help you clearly recognize it.

  • As mentioned, the bleeding will occur some days before your regular period cycle, so keep track of your menstrual cycle regularly to avoid confusion.
  • The color of your bloody discharge will be different and will mainly vary between pink and dark brown or even black.
  • The bleeding will be very light, and it will not last longer than three days.
  • You can experience mild cramps, which will be only temporary, or you might not experience them at all.
  • Bloating and specific changes when it comes to cervical mucus might occur. 
  • Mood swings are a good sign of early pregnancy.
  • You might experience tiredness, headaches, and dizziness.
  • Headaches, nausea, and vomiting are also good indicators of pregnancy (especially morning sickness)
  • Tender breasts, swollen and painful to touch
  • Constipation 
  • Your sense of smell might be a little sharper than usual.
  • You might experience different cravings when it comes to food, but also some dislikes towards food that you previously might have liked.
  • The temperature of the body might increase a little bit. 

All people are different, so not all of these symptoms occur every time. It is essential to remain calm if the implantation bleeding occurs, and if need be – feel free to contact your chosen medical professional if that will help you to avoid stress and potential anxiety. 

Should I Be Worried at All?

Doctors and medical professionals, in general, say that implantation bleeding usually does not signal a problem but rather a good piece of news. Only 15-25% of women experience this sign of pregnancy, and in the majority of cases, it is a very typical occurrence. However, there are some potential concerns that you might want to be informed about when it comes to post-implantation bleeding, so below, we are bringing this information to you. 

  • If you are not sure whether the bleeding is occurring due to implantation or it is just a regular period, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test (a few days after the bleeding has stopped) to have a formal confirmation. 
  • Bleeding after the first trimester of the pregnancy is not normal, and you should contact a doctor immediately after the occurrence because the following can be the potential reason for the bleeding: 
    • An ectopic pregnancy, where the egg was implanted outside of the uterus and is posing a severe threat to the health of the patient, so urgent medical attention is required.
    • A molar pregnancy where there is a benign tumor developing within the uterus, and regardless of its noncancerous nature, it is essential to consult a doctor. 
    • A miscarriage indicates a loss of pregnancy and also demands a doctor’s intervention as soon as possible. 
  • If the bleeding you are experiencing is light, it can be caused by: 
    • Irritation and tears from the sexual intercourse
    • Irritation of the cervix (after a gynecologist exam)
    • Vaginal infection 
    • An exercise regime that is too intense 

What to Do Next?

Doctor and Patient Discussing Something While Sitting at the Table

If you are experiencing implantation bleeding, your next step is to confirm the pregnancy. You can take a pregnancy test on your own or schedule a visit with your chosen doctor. All other following steps and advice will be given to you by the practitioner. 

Call Us!

Experiencing any type of bleeding regarding our reproductive health is a stressful experience that should not be taken lightly. Our expert team has been practicing medicine in the field of reproductive health for quite some time, and we have mastered a variety of conditions faced by our patients, so we are equipped and ready to assist with any potential concern and condition you might be facing.

Call our office to schedule a visit because we are here for you during this wonderful but potentially very stressful period of your life.