If you’re looking for practical tips and tricks you can implement today for boosted concentration, this comprehensive article on how to focus is perfect for you. We’ll explain what concentration is, how to improve your mental state, avoid distractions, and more. You’ll also learn about what is used to create SMART goals. Curious? We bet you are, especially considering that we live in a turbulent, modern world full of distractions on every corner. 

Of course, before trying out any of these tips, we recommend professional clinical mental health counseling. Consulting an expert is always a good idea to determine any underlying causes for poor mental health and lack of focus. Remember, your mental state should be a priority.

That being said, here’s everything you need to know on how to focus.

Concentration and Your Mental State

Before learning how to focus appropriately, let’s discuss what concentration refers to. In brief, concentration is a person’s ability to direct their attention to a specific thing. In other words, concentration is a person’s total control of attention. You can focus your mind on a subject, an object, a thought while at the same time excluding unrelated feelings, sensations, and ideas from your mind. In essence, the answer to “how to focus” is simple. Just direct your attention to a specific thing and exclude everything unrelated. However, this is easier said than done.

Concentrating on something is tricky because we live in a hectic world where we, as humans, are often overstimulated. For instance, it’s not easy to devote your full attention to one thing while excluding environmental sounds, beeps, people chit-chatting, and more. Luckily, there are ways you can boost your mental state and eliminate distractions.

Although the following tips and tricks may help regain your focus and boost concentration levels, sometimes you may need to reach out for professional help. If you find yourself stuck, absent-minded, and overstimulated (or these tips aren’t helping you), reach out to experts like Dr. Ivan Carreras. 

Top 5 Factors that Affect Your Mental State


 Young Couple Is Lying in Bed and Cant Sleep

Learning how to focus can pose a challenge for people, especially when you don’t know where to start. Let’s quickly go through some of the most common factors that lead to poor concentration and lack of focus in most people. Your mental state may be compromised if you:

  • Don’t sleep enough
  • Don’t get enough physical activity
  • Are constantly exposed to distractions
  • You have poor eating habits (plenty of junk food)
  • You live in a distraction-filled environment (loud noises, hectic household environment)

According to the latest research, sleep-deprived people are less likely to concentrate properly. They also show lower alertness than people who manage to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep. When you are sleep-deprived, you lack focus, and it’s more challenging to pay attention; thus, you can get confused easily. Moreover, sleepiness tends to impair judgment.

Worry not, Learning how to regain focus is straightforward. In the following sections, we present some simple ways to increase concentration and focus today.

How to Regain Focus: Top 6 Ways

How to regain focus when you feel hopeless? Below are some of the easiest, fool-proof ways to eliminate distractions and get your life back. Implementing some or all of these tips will increase productivity levels and get more quality work done.

Eliminate Any Distractions

If you feel bombarded with information at work, you should request your manager for some time off. You can also request some “alone time,” or if you work remotely, you can choose to go to a place where you’re more likely to have peace of mind. For instance, choose a library, a private room, a quiet coworking space, or maybe a local coffee shop.

You can also try closing social media apps and muting notifications until you are done with all of your tasks. 

Create SMART Goals

What is used to create SMART goals? Confused? SMART is an acronym for:

  • Specific (What do you need to prioritize?)
  • Measurable (How can I track my progress?)
  • Achievable (Are my goals realistic?)
  • Relevant (Does my goal fit into my plan?)
  • Timely (When do I need to get it done?)

Try to take a large, more complex project and create bite-size tasks first. This way, by focusing on smaller chunks, you’ll be able to boost your concentration and your focus. For example, if you need to go over a 1000-page book for your university course, reading the entire thing in a week is unrealistic. So instead, make a plan to read a few pages a day. Of course, you’ll want to stick to these mini-goals.

Try to Multitask Less

Often, we think that performing more than one task at a time will make us more productive. However, multitasking is typically a recipe for poor focus and reduced concentration levels. Usually, you’ll get poor or average results when you work on multiple projects simultaneously. For instance, an excellent example of multitasking is listening to a podcast while writing a report or cooking and reading a book simultaneously.

Meditate Daily and Practice Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness are lovely activities for improving your mental state and boosting focus. During meditation, we calm our brains and relax our bodies. When we focus on inhaling and exhaling air, we learn how to let our thoughts come and go. With daily practice, we can quickly learn to use breathing techniques to stay in the present moment and bring our attention back to a specific task.

Take Short Breaks

Although this tip on how to regain focus may seem counterintuitive, it usually works. Namely, when you focus on a specific thing for a longer time, you may experience a plunge in concentration levels. If this happens to you, try taking small breaks to regain your focus and elevate your mental state. For example, the next time you’re studying hard for an exam, try to take a short break before continuing. Talk to a loved one, move around, or have a light snack. Often, you’ll find yourself more focused when you come back after a break.

Eat Nourishing Foods


Young Hispanic Man Holding Blueberries Doing Ok Sign With Fingers

The foods we choose to put in our bodies affect our mental state and physical endurance. Choose nutritious foods that balance blood sugar levels, keep your energy high, and provide fuel for your brain (such as walnuts, avocados, and other healthy fats). Try to reduce sugar-filled foods and fizzy drinks, as these can spike your blood sugar and make you feel tired quickly. Leafy green veggies such as kale and spinach are excellent for your brain because they contain potassium, an essential mineral that boosts the connections between neurons.

Some of the best foods to boost brain activity include:

  • Berries
  • Fatty fish (full of omega 3-s)
  • Ginseng supplements
  • Black coffee
  • Dark chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Avocados

On top of this, make sure you get at least seven hours of quality sleep each night. It’s also a good idea to exercise regularly and get plenty of fresh air. Whenever you have the opportunity, go hiking and spend time in nature. 

Book an Appointment Today

Plenty of people will benefit from these tips. However, sometimes, regaining focus on your own is not easy. Luckily, our team of trained professionals is here to help you. Book a consultation today and get your mental health back on track. Then, enjoy every bit of your life.