Do you want to learn how to remove hair permanently? The advantages may be enticing, however, it is always a good idea to read up on all the pros and cons of the different treatments before you rush ahead. Read below to find out everything you wanted to know about laser hair removal.
This is a popular method of removing hair where a concentrated ray of light, also known as a laser, hits the hair follicles which produce the hairs. This process stops or postpones hair from growing back again. Therefore, helping individuals answer: How to remove hair permanently.
Not only is this laser hair treatment mostly used on the legs, armpits, and upper lip area, but it is also great at helping get rid of back hair. Although these are the most popular areas to remove hair, it can get rid of hair in almost every part of your body.
Brazilian laser hair removal is also common, although this will take a significantly longer time, due to the sensitivity of the area affected. The only areas where this treatment cannot be used are on the eyelids and around the eyes, for safety reasons.
Read on to find out answers to questions like ‘Is laser hair removal ‘permanent’, ‘Does laser hair removal hurt’, and more.
Is It Okay to Shower Afterwards?
It is recommended not to have a bath or shower directly after your treatment and your skin type can determine how long this may last. On average, the estimated time you will need to wait is between 8 to 48 hours. The reason for this precaution is due to the skin being sensitive.
What Are the Long-Term Impacts?
Any procedure can include the possibility of side effects. Although, when carried out by an experienced dermatologist, the chance of any complications is significantly low. For further insights, it’s best to consult a professional.
Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
One of the biggest questions on everyone’s mind prior to the treatment is: does laser hair removal hurt? Because of the type of procedure, the majority of patients will experience mild discomfort. The feeling received is often referred to as a stinging sensation similar to an elastic band against the skin.
When performed on sensitive areas, like if you were having a Brazilian laser hair removal, the doctor will most likely use numbing gel before the laser is applied. Thus, reducing the level of pain felt.
Does the Procedure Lighten Skin?
Although there have been cases where this treatment has lightened skin, it is generally only temporary. Saying this, in the past, those with darker skin tones have found that their skin appeared lighter after the procedure. However, with the latest technology at your disposal, this should not be a problem.
Furthermore, if sun exposure is not avoided, and sunscreen is not used for more than 6 weeks prior to and following the procedure, you may find that your skin looks lighter than before.
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
Those wanting to know how to remove hair permanently should pay close attention. It takes approximately three to eight sessions before the hair follicles are completely removed. Although, some patients respond differently to the treatment, requiring the procedure to be performed once a year.
From the first session, you will notice the affected hairs are greatly reduced. Certain hair follicles may take longer to remove, therefore, extra sessions will be needed. So is laser hair removal permanent? No. You would likely need a few more sessions before you stop seeing any of your hairs appearing again.
Is It a Bad Idea to Get This Surgery?
Wherever you get the procedure done, always ensure it is by an experienced and qualified dermatologist. This way, you can guarantee that you will get the very best treatment, and are unlikely to run into any lasting side effects of the procedure.
Although it is unlikely, it is possible that you may encounter some side effects directly after the treatment. You may experience a little soreness, redness on the skin, and swelling, however, these should all subside within a few days.
Even more rare, long-term side effects like scars and blisters can occur.
How Long Does Hair Removal Take?
You may be wondering, how long does hair removal take? The time taken for the treatment can vary based on which areas you require removing. For example, in a whole-body procedure, you can expect each session to last two to three hours. Unless a very experienced dermatologist is performing it, they typically take around 90 minutes.
All of us come in a multitude of shapes and sizes. Therefore, your personal experience may be subjected to a shorter or longer period. If you’re looking for a Brazilian laser hair removal treatment, due to the sensitivity of the area this can take longer. Thus, it’s best to contact a health consultant for the precise time to find out: how long does hair removal take.
How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last? Does It Last Forever?
One of the most pressing questions that you may be asking is this: How long does laser hair removal last? Even though you may see a drastic reduction in hairs on your skin, it is unlikely that it will completely remove hair from ever growing back.
When the lasers hit your hair follicles, these same hair follicles become dormant. This reduces the amount of hair growth in that area for a much longer time than if you just simply waxed or shaved that area.
Due to hormones fluctuating, some of the hair may start to grow back. To answer the question of ‘how long does laser hair removal last’, it is very common to see hair growth start to appear again after two to eight weeks. As not all the hair follicles may have been hit, you will most likely need more than one session.
In the majority of cases, this treatment requires three to eight sessions before the hair is removed permanently. In some cases, you may need to go to yearly sessions, to fend off hair from growing back again once more. As this changes from person to person, it is possible that you may only need to do the treatment a couple of times.
Does Laser Hair Removal Cause Cancer?
Like any treatment, patients may experience side-effects. With laser removal, you will feel mild discomfort and your skin will be prone to redness for a short period. But if you are wondering, does laser hair removal cause cancer? then please read the following.
As it currently stands, there is no evidence indicating that it causes skin cancer. This should remove any worrying regarding: does laser hair removal cause cancer?
However, the necessary checks should be carried out on the doctor performing the treatment. This includes that they are qualified and have suitable experience.
Is Back Hair Removal Available?
Yes, back hair removal is an option although it takes quite a few sessions to get rid of back hair. However, the back hair removal results are very effective, whereby virtually all back hair is removed. Therefore, making back hair removal a very good option that allows you to get rid of back hair.
Is There a Laser Hair Removal Near Me?
You may be asking, where is the best laser hair removal near me? For individuals located in close proximity to Hialeah, Florida, the Carreras Medical Center is available upon request for laser hair treatment. Another question frequently asked is if the laser hair removal near me is qualified and experienced in the treatment. The National Committee for Quality Assurance has officially recognized us, ensuring all patients receive the best possible treatments.
Interested in learning more? Make an appointment today. Our experienced practitioners are on hand to answer any other questions you may have.
Is Getting Non-invasive Surgery Worth It?
Laser hair treatment can take some time, which is subject to how many sessions you need, however, it provides a definite outcome. Thus, showing a strong incentive if you’re serious about removing unwanted hair.
To Sum Up
It may come with short-term side effects, or in some rare cases long-term side effects, however, in most cases laser hair removal is a perfectly safe and smooth procedure. Be aware of any non-qualified practitioners performing this treatment. There are many horror stories of what can happen when an amateur performs laser hair treatment. But as long as you consult and get a qualified dermatologist to perform the treatment, you will not go wrong.
Although it may not be permanent straight away, laser hair removal is one of the best and most efficient methods of reducing hair growth over a prolonged period of time. If you are interested in hair-free skin and preventing the hair to grow back, there is no easier option than this. Make an appointment today.