A healthy lifestyle is the key to a long, happy life. You may be wondering: how healthy am I? And what is good health? It’s not simply the absence of disease or illness. Health is a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being. That’s why it’s important to consider a holistic approach to your personal health.

The lifestyle definition of a holistic approach is to care for the whole person, not just your symptoms. It’s rooted in the understanding that all aspects of your life affect your well-being, and it focuses on wellness and prevention. If someone values prevention as a way to maintain good health, what would you expect them to do? Read on to learn more about the holistic approach and how to start a healthy lifestyle.

How Healthy Am I?

Portrait of Gorgeous Young Woman Practicing Yoga Indoor.

Knowing the lifestyle definition of holistic health is an important first step toward using it to live your best life. But before deciding what steps to take to promote your personal health, you need to ask yourself, how healthy am I? Everyone starts from a different point, and self-reflection on your current lifestyle as well as a checkup with your doctor will tell you what your baseline is, and what you need to do to give yourself a healthy life. To gauge your current level of well-being, and to understand what is good health, ask yourself or your doctor the following questions:

Do I eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full? Eating only when you need to and being able to recognize when your body is satisfied is a sign of having a good relationship with food. If you overeat or often forget to eat at all, it may be a sign that your relationship with food is unhealthy.

Is my diet rich in whole foods? You can still have a healthy life if your diet excludes certain foods, like meat, dairy, or carbs. However, a diet that is rich in diversity means you’re more likely to get all the vitamins and nutrients you need. The more whole, unprocessed foods you eat, the better your personal health is likely to be.

Can I make it up two flights of stairs without being exhausted at the end? If you’re getting enough activity throughout the week, you should be able to go up two flights of stairs without stopping and you should feel good when you get to the top.

Do I embrace my full range of emotions? It’s normal to sometimes feel angry, upset, or depressed. Embracing all of these emotions and recognizing that none of them are permanent is a good sign of emotional well-being.

How long does it take for me to fall asleep at night? Being able to fall asleep within 10 to 15 minutes is a sign that you’re getting enough sleep. Falling asleep under 10 minutes consistently is a clue that you have a sleep debt and need to prioritize getting more sleep at night.

Do I have the energy to do the things I want to? Having the energy to practice your hobbies is a sign of good health. This includes both physical energy and mental energy.

These questions are not all-encompassing, and there may be other factors that contribute to what is good health overall, but answering these questions will clue you in on your current level of healthiness. They should help you determine if using the lifestyle definition of a holistic approach is right for you going forward.

How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle

Couple Stretching Outdoors Before Morning Run. Handsome Bearded Man and Attractive Sporty Woman Running on the Street.

If someone values prevention as a way to maintain good health, what would you expect them to do? We believe prevention is key in maintaining a healthy life and good health overall. Here is how to start a healthy lifestyle:

Exercise regularly. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to be healthy, but doctors do recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate activity a week. This averages out to 20 to 30 minutes a day three to five times a week.

Exercise has also been linked to improving mental well-being, so this aspect is doubly important for your holistic well-being. This activity can be walking, swimming, floor exercises, or even household chores that keep your body moving. Don’t over-exert yourself and do what your body allows you to do. Having a routine and sticking to it is important in ensuring you get enough physical activity each day.

Do the things you love to do. Stress is a common struggle in modern life and it’s easy to let the demands of the daily grind take over our minds. It’s important to take time out now and again to engage in your passions. If you can do this every day, it would be best. But at least once or twice a week, setting aside a half-hour for yourself to take part in your hobbies will help alleviate stress.

Eat Mindfully. Healthful eating is a key factor in holistic living. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, eat fewer carbohydrates and junk food, and avoid foods high in salt and unhealthy fats. Keep your diet varied. Try not to make a habit out of skipping meals, eat slowly, and listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s hungry, and when you should stop eating.

Embrace positivity. We cannot avoid all our problems, and there will always be good and bad days. However, to have a healthy mind and body, it’s important to surround yourself with positivity. Avoid people who are negative or hurtful and choose friends who offer encouragement and constructive criticism to help you improve.

Focus on the positive aspects of life and don’t dwell on the negatives. A daily gratitude journal is a great tool for maintaining optimism and tackling obstacles with a positive outlook.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol. Don’t smoke, and limit your alcohol intake to no more than one drink a day. Overall, the less tobacco and alcohol you consume, the better your health will be.

All in all, a holistic approach to life can be a great way to improve your health and live your best life. It’s important to care for yourself physically, mentally, and socially to have the best health possible. Neglecting any one of these aspects can be harmful to you in the long run.

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