Most women will get a yeast infection at some point in their life, so chances are you’ve already experienced the burning, itching irritation of one, also called candida vaginitis. About half of women experience two or more, and about 5 % get chronic or recurring yeast infections, which means they get at least four a year.

A yeast infection is an infection in your vagina caused by an overgrowth of yeast, which is a type of fungus. Yeast infections are common and are easily treatable, but you should still call your if you suspect you have one and especially if you get them often. Common symptoms in the vaginal area include:

  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Thick, white discharge
  • Pain during sex
  • Pain when urinating
  • Redness

What causes chronic yeast infections?

Doctors are not exactly sure why some women get yeast infections over and over, and some women only experience one. Women with diabetes or a weakened immune system because of certain medications or HIV are more prone to getting chronic yeast infections, but anyone can get them. While the cause of recurring yeast infections is not clear, there are clear factors that put you at risk for getting them.

Chronic yeast infections risks and solutions

If you can identify why your yeast infections keep recurring, it may be easier to treat and prevent. Here are ten of the most common risk factors with solutions, when available, to help you prevent recurring yeast infections:

Risk factor: Antibiotics, because they change the balance of bacteria in your vagina.

Solution: Avoid unnecessary antibiotic use for colds and other viruses.


Risk factor: Certain types of birth control pills with high doses of estrogen.

Solution: Change your birth control method. Try a nonestrogen, progestin-only birth control pill or condoms.


Risk factor: Pregnancy, because it can alter your normal hormone balance.

Solution: While there is no solution to being pregnant, just knowing that your pregnancy is causing your yeast infections means that they won’t be chronic for long. Talk to your gynecologist about yeast infection treatments that are safe during pregnancy.


Risk factor: Obesity because yeast grows in warm areas and obesity provides more areas of warmth for yeast to thrive.

Solution: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help you lose weight and prevent yeast infections. Additionally, if you have diabetes, also a risk factor for chronic yeast infections, losing weight can help you control your blood sugar.


Risk factor: Tight-fitting jeans and leggings because it creates heat in your vaginal area and yeast loves warm areas.

Solution: Wear loose-fitting clothing.


Risk factor: Not wiping properly after you go to the bathroom.

Solution: Always wipe from front to back, and never the reverse.


Risk factor: Not treating your yeast infection properly.

Solution: There are numerous over-the-counter and prescription-only options to treat your yeast infection. For chronic yeast infections, a long-course therapy combined with oral medication may be the best option for you. Speak to your gynecologist to choose the best treatment for you, and follow the instructions as directed.


Risk factor: Pantyhose or other tight-fitting undergarments because they can increase warmth in your vaginal area, and yeast proliferates in warm areas.

Solution: Avoid pantyhose or tight-fitting undergarments and wear cotton underwear. At night, go commando (don’t wear under) once in a while to allow your vagina to get air.


Risk factor: Douches and vaginal sprays because they eliminate bacteria that protect the vagina against infection.

Solution: Don’t use douches or vaginal sprays


Risk factor: Sexual activity because, even though a yeast infection is not an STI, you can still get it from your sexual partner.

Solution: Use a condom or refrain from sexual intercourse until your yeast infection is gone for good.


If you suspect you have a yeast infection, or you’re experiencing chronic yeast infections, call Victor H. Cantero, MD, FACOG, FACS at Comprehensive Women’s Center in Miramar, Florida for an accurate diagnosis and expert treatment advice.