When your health is concerned, you want to ensure everything that your doctor tells you is understood. Therefore, you know exactly what sort of treatment you need to be getting, and what the treatment does to your body. In this article, we will help keep your mind at ease by explaining in detail the many different types of ultrasounds, what is sonography, the sonogram definition, and the key differences between sonogram vs ultrasound.
What Is Sonography? Is It Different from Ultrasound?
An ultrasound may sound scary, however, it is a straight forward noninvasive procedure. Doctors use it to diagnose conditions that a patient has. From the scan, health professionals can gain a glimpse at the inner structures and organs without needing to make any incisions.
What is sonography? It’s an alternative name for Ultrasound that is sometimes referred to as Sonography. Therefore highlighting there’s no difference between sonography vs ultrasound. This is not to be mistaken with a sonogram, which has an entirely different meaning. See below for an in-depth explanation of the sonogram definition.
When an Ultrasound is used, high-frequency sound waves are emitted from a transducer probe. This is then used to create images. The waves from the frequency bypass the outer skin and interact with a human’s inner structure before pinging back to the probe. Furthermore, the angle and speed when the waves return help determine where everything is.
Although, the process is not over yet. The probe feeds the data to a CPU, where different algorithms and calculations are used to produce an accurate picture to be analyzed.
This scan is widely known for its pregnancy applications. Whereby, checking the progress of the baby. However, there are many uses for Ultrasound. Below we’ve listed all the different types.
What’s a Sonogram?
Sonogram definition: a visual picture. Simply put, the image that has been produced from the scan. The live-feed provides the Ultrasound technician with a picture where they and the patient can preview the results. This can only be achieved after the CPU has processed the information from the scan.
The Difference between Ultrasound and Sonogram
It may be confusing when trying to explain the difference between sonogram vs ultrasound because both are linked to each other. However, the best way to define the contract between sonogram vs ultrasound would be this: The ultrasound is the process to retrieve the information and the sonogram is the end picture showing the result.
The technology behind the difference between ultrasound and sonogram is a little more complex than a simple machine and image being created, however, this is the basic definition.
Keep in mind that sonography is not to be mistaken for the difference between ultrasound and sonogram. It is another word used to describe an ultrasound.
Is It Safe?
An Ultrasound technician will often be asked how safe it is. You will be glad to hear that this technique is safer than similar procedures. One of the biggest advantages of this is that, unlike a CT scan, it uses no radiation or other unsafe processes to get the images.
Those who have metal inside themselves due to a prior operation, cannot have an MRI scan due to its use of magnets. As ultrasound does not include magnets, this is a great operation for those patients who still need the images.
Although there is a possibility of complications occurring if an ultrasound is placed on the skin for too long, ultrasound procedures never take longer than 30 minutes, ensuring you will be safe from any potential complications arising.
What Is the Procedure When Getting an Ultrasound?
Before you go in, it’s a good idea to first check with your doctor on what you are having examined and if you need to fast before the procedure.
For example, if you are having your gallbladder examined, you would need to go in without having any food in your system for 6 hours. Whereas, if you are having your bladder examined, you would need to go in without drinking any water to get the most accurate reading.
Furthermore, do not be confused when the scan is called sonography. Sonography vs ultrasound, what’s the contrast? Well, they both mean the same and be interchangeable.
A quick tip before going in: ensure you wear something that can be easily taken off so the sonographer can get to that area of your body and perform the ultrasound.
Once you are in the room, the ultrasound technician will lather the gel over the area you need images of, and a transducer will create these images. In most cases, the procedure doesn’t take longer than 30 minutes.
After the procedure, the sonographer will look at the image results and determine whether you are completely healthy, or in need of more treatment.
Sometimes, a follow-up appointment must be booked. This can be to look in more detail at a specific abnormality they might have found, and if any changes have occurred.
Often, if you have a treatment done, an ultrasound would need to be taken after the treatment to ensure that everything is going along perfectly, and is working as expected.
Different Types of Ultrasounds
Depending on the type of condition that is being tested, you may be asked to undertake an ultrasound. The various types have been listed below:
- Kidney Ultrasound
- Testicular Ultrasound
- Liver Ultrasound
- Baby Ultrasound
- Uterus Ultrasound
- Obstetric Ultrasound
- Abdomen Ultrasound
- Breast Ultrasound
- Carotid Ultrasound
- General Ultrasound
- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Prostate Ultrasound
- Scrotum Ultrasound
- Thyroid Ultrasound
- Venous Ultrasound (Extremities)
- Breast Biopsy, Ultrasound-Guided
What Is a Liver Ultrasound?
A simple and quick procedure, a liver ultrasound is an effective way to diagnose any liver complications without performing surgery. When compared to other imaging methods, it is relatively cost-effective.
It has helped significantly by identifying liver cancers in their early stages due to its ability to locate tumors. These tumors would otherwise go undetected and are usually found when a health professional is checking for other conditions.
What Is a Kidney Ultrasound?
To start with the fundamentals, you may wonder what is a kidney sonography vs ultrasound? They both have exactly the same meaning. When undergoing a kidney ultrasound, the results will be used to check the following:
- Shape of Kidneys
- Size of Kidneys
- Location of Kidneys
- Blood flow to Kidneys
By checking all these necessary features, the scan can identify any tumors, cysts, abscesses, fluid collection, obstructions, or infections within or in close proximity to the kidneys. In addition, Calculi often referred to as kidney stones, along with ureters can show up in the ultrasound.
What Is a Testicular Ultrasound?
A testicular ultrasound is performed to produce images of the testicles and the tissues that surround them within your scrotum. From the findings, your doctor will be able to determine if you have any of the following issues:
- A tumor
- A cyst
- Testicular torsion – when your spermatic cord has twisted, thus, restricting blood flow
- Hydrocele – a build-up of liquid around your testicle
- Varicocele – Abnormally large vein inside the spermatic cord
- Spermatocele – Cyst Filled with fluid on the ducts of the testicle
What is a Pelvic Ultrasound?
A pelvic ultrasound is a noninvasive diagnostic exam that produces images that are used to assess organs and structures within the female pelvis. A pelvic ultrasound allows quick visualization of the female pelvic organs and structures. Pelvic examinations consist of ultrasound of the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
What Is a Baby Ultrasound?
Commonly known in the medical world as fetal ultrasound, this baby ultrasound helps monitor the baby’s development while in the womb. Throughout the pregnancy, this is used to identify possible problems or authenticate complications that had been expressed.
To Conclude Everything Discussed
When it comes to the effectiveness of using this scanning technique, it is easily known for its great capabilities. By identifying conditions early, you can combat them with the right treatments to reduce their risk.
At The Carreras Medical Center in Hialeah, Florida our healthcare professionals can perform ultrasound when needed. Throughout the process, you will be taken care of with clear explanations to keep you informed. Book an appointment today.