Is your skin beginning to show its age? Have you noticed your skin looking dull, a bit of sagging or an uneven complexion?

Are you unable to focus on anything other than those fine lines and wrinkles when you look in the mirror?

Well, you are NOT alone.

Whether it is the aging process or extensive sun damage, it’s only a matter of time before you start to see the signs of aging.

But there is a solution to reverse the damage or lost of glow.

A Non-Surgical Facelift Breakthrough

Thanks to the latest scientific discoveries, a non-surgical facelift approach is here to revitalize your appearance by promoting a radiant complexion and youthful-looking skin.

It is called the Vampire facelift. It is a minimally invasive, non-surgical approach, that blends a ground-breaking technique called Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy with the effectiveness of microneedling to repair and restore the health of your skin… down to the cell level.

Made famous by celebrities like Kim Kardashian, the Vampire Facelift:

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Produces softer, younger looking skin
  • Minimizes crow’s feet around the eyes and fine lines around the mouth
  • Softens discoloration and puffiness around the eyes
  • Restores the quality of sun damaged skin
  • Adds volume to thinning skin on the face and neck
  • Reduces the appearance of stretch marks

The Vampire Facelift takes its name from the fact that blood is drawn from the patient. The treatment utilizes the platelets in your blood. The platelets contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors that are critical to the body’s natural healing process, as well as, speeding up the body’s recovery process.

In many cases, this process actually reverses the signs of aging altogether.

How Does It Work

Before the Vampire Facelift begins, a small amount of blood is drawn and placed it into a centrifuge where the blood spins to separate the platelets from the red blood cells.

Since PRP therapy works as a restoration system for your body, the platelets are injected into targeted area(s) in which you desire reparation to occur, allowing the skin to naturally rejuvenate itself.

Furthermore, as the growth factors are released into the skin, they stimulate local cells to regenerate, followed by a signal for other growth factors to rush to your new cells. This process thickens the skin and naturally stimulates repair.

For PRP therapy to be effective, we use the micro-needling treatment to allow the growth hormones to go deep into the skin.

Microneedling utilizes a devise similar to a pen which contains tiny needles, smaller than those used to administer dermal filler or Botox. The purpose of microneedling is to prick the skin and create micro-passages. The beauty of microneedling is that the depth of penetration can be adjusted, allowing for even the sensitive areas around the eyes to be treated.

After the microneedling treatment, the growth factors are injected into the skin. This triggers the skin cells regeneration process.

Vampire Facelift Results

The end result of the Vampire Facelift using microneeding and PRP therapy is to stimulate your body’s production of collagen and elastin which increases circulation and sparks the formation of new capillaries, giving your face a youthful turn over the next few weeks.

Get ready to turn heads with your fresh face.

The overall benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy are enticing

  • Non-surgical
  • Little downtime
  • Multiple treatment areas
  • Therapy continues to work following treatment
  • Minimally-invasive
  • Targeted and accelerated healing
  • Minimal side effects
  • Improves texture and elasticity
  • Reduces pore size
  • Addresses dehydrated skin
  • Natural, visible improvement without artificial enhancements

With a treatment time of a little under one hour and the ability to immediately return to work combined with its safety and proven results, PRP Therapy has quickly become popular among celebrities and high profile men and women.

It’s natural-looking effects, ability for multiple treatment areas, and effective and targeted accelerating healing, the Vampire Facelift is able to address a variety of concerns with zero side effects.

Results are visible within days and continue to improve over the following weeks.

In just one hour, you can begin to restore beautiful skin from years of sun and other environmental damage.

Imagine looking into the mirror with smooth, even toned skin. You won’t have to worry about spending time applying make-up. You will wake up with beautifully fresh skin every morning!

Unlike fillers that use semi-solid materials to fill deep lines, PRP therapy uses your own recycled blood cells to naturally perform skin rejuvenation by smoothing, tightening, and refreshing the skin for a complexion that glows.

Am I A Candidate

Whether you are suffering from premature wrinkles, high levels of sun damage, or even if it is just to even out your skin tone and freshen your appearance, the Vampire Facelift is for you.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy, however, is not recommending for those who have a history of blood diseases, including clotting or bleeding disorders.

With celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Bar Refaeli boasting their big-time results of the Vampire Facelift, there is no reason not to try.

Restore Beautiful Skin Today!

If you are ready to rejuvenate your skin with an even-toned, clearer complexion, don’t put this off another day!

With all of the benefits of the cutting-edge innovation that the Vampire Facelift offers, it’s easy to see why a growing number of men and women are taking advantage of this affordable facial rejuvenation breakthrough.

The safety and effectiveness of the Vampire Facelift is here to stay.

Schedule your Vampire Facelift procedure today. Revitalize your skin and restore the beauty of your youth.

It’s easy and affordable and all you have to do is call to book your consultation today at (954) 796-0111!

Dr. Bent is a board-certified physician and member of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as a Member of the Association of anti-aging Medicine and certified Sottopelle therapy. Dr. Bent specializes in minimally-invasive anti-aging procedures, laparoscopy, and women’s wellness.