Accidental urine leakage — doctors call it “urinary incontinence” — is a sign of a bladder control problem. It can be annoying or very embarrassing. It can keep you from fully enjoying your life, too.

Your doctor can choose from a variety of tests to help pinpoint the cause. She can help you with a plan so you’ll have leaks less often.

Physical Tests
Your doctor might ask you to do the old jump-into-the-pool move: pinch your nose and close your mouth. Breathe out hard, and she’ll likely know right away if you have a hard time holding in urine.

– Pelvic Exam: This is another type of stress test. You’ll do it with a full bladder. While you’re sitting up, your doctor will ask you to cough. When you’re lying down, she’ll gently check out your pelvic organs. She’ll test your muscle strength in that area, too.

– Rectal Exam: Your doctor will probably do this exam at the same time she does your pelvic exam. She’ll use a gloved, lubricated finger to feel inside your rectum. She’ll look for blockage that might be causing your problem.

Taking Notes
Your doctor will likely ask you a simple series of questions. They might include:

– How many times do you need to pee each day? Do you have to get up to go at night?
– Do you “leak” urine while lifting, sneezing, laughing, coughing, or having sex?
– Do you feel like your bladder’s never completely empty?
– Do you have a hard time making it to the bathroom in time?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might need to keep a daily bladder diary to give your doctor a clear idea about your condition. Details you’ll note include:

– What and how much you drink
– How often you go to the bathroom, and how much urine you release
– What you’re doing when you get the urge to go
– If there’s any warning before you leak

Taking Samples
You’ll need to provide a urine sample. A lab test will reveal if there are blood traces or signs of infection.
