What is an endometrial biopsy?

An endometrial biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue from the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. This tissue sample can show cell changes due to abnormal tissues or variations in hormone levels.

Taking a small sample of endometrial tissue helps your doctor diagnose certain medical conditions. A biopsy can also check for uterine infections such as endometritis.

An endometrial biopsy can be performed in the doctor’s office without the use of anesthesia. Typically, the procedure takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Why is an endometrial biopsy performed?

An endometrial biopsy may be performed to help diagnose abnormalities of the uterus. It can also rule out other diseases.

Your doctor may want to perform an endometrial biopsy to:
– find the cause of postmenopausal bleeding or abnormal uterine bleeding
– screen for endometrial cancer
– evaluate fertility
– test your response to hormone therapy

You can’t have an endometrial biopsy during pregnancy, and you shouldn’t have one if you have any of the following conditions:

-a blood clotting disorder
– acute pelvic inflammatory disease
– an acute cervical or vaginal infection
– cervical cancer
– cervical stenosis, or severe narrowing of the cervix

Source: Health Line