A typical pregnancy lasts nine months, about 40 weeks, or 280 days. But what about mothers already in their 40th week with no sign of labor? A situation like this can also be agitating because every mother is impatient to meet her child after nine months. In a situation like this, the best thing you can do is to wait. Sometimes it’s not the easiest thing you can do, but it is the best because your body knows what it is doing.

However, there are a few ways to induce labor, and our obstetrician in Jacksonville, Florida would like to discuss them. You should know that no natural ways to induce labor are written in stone, and it doesn’t have to work in your situation. Also, you should remember that before trying anything by yourself, you should always consult with your healthcare provider or midwife. 

Every woman and every pregnancy is different, and in some cases, you shouldn’t be doing anything to try to induce labor at home. There can be complications, especially if your pregnancy is considered risky.

The 6 Natural Ways to Induce Labor 

Before anything else, please talk to your healthcare provider if you are anxious about not giving birth yet and are considering natural ways to induce labor. Your doctor can help you and provide information on whether any of these methods are safe for your pregnancy and what is the best option for you. 

So, without further ado, here are the six best ways to induce labor at home. 

Sexual Activity

Pregnant Black Couple in Love Cuddling in Bed at Home

You have probably already heard about the theory that sex can help you induce labor. And can you name a more exciting and fun way to induce labor naturally? We sure can’t. But is this method something you should try, or is it only good in theory?

First, we need to talk about safety. If your pregnancy isn’t risky and your obstetrician OK’d it, you can have all the sex you want while pregnant. Avoid it only when your water breaks, as you risk infection. But will it induce labor?

Sex can be one of the natural ways to induce labor, as, during this action, your body releases oxytocin, which can initiate contractions. Also, for those who have sex with men, certain hormones found in semen, such as prostaglandin, can assist in ripening the cervix and starting labor. 

So, if you are anxious to deliver your baby and have the green light from your doctor, we don’t see why you shouldn’t be having sex to induce labor at home. 

Nipple Stimulation

Stimulating your nipples, like sexual activity, promotes the production of oxytocin. And oxytocin, as mentioned, is known to cause contractions.

This is a safe method you can easily do with your hands if you want to induce labor at home. It is also an excellent method that helps avoid a medical induction and reduces postpartum hemorrhage.


Physical activity can be one of the great ways to induce labor. And by physical activity, we mean anything you like and can do in your 40th week of pregnancy. Another important notice is never to try exercising before getting your obstetrician’s approval, as you may hurt yourself and your baby. 

Exercising can be an excellent way to induce labor at home and also an incredible way to relieve stress. Those who get approved for exercising can do whatever they like the most, and sometimes a nice walk can do wonders. Prenatal yoga is also good; be sure you are doing it right, and refrain from forcing yourself into doing any poses that seem difficult or impossible.

Acupuncture & Acupressure 

Acupuncture and acupressure are two different but similar methods that can answer the question of how to induce labor. 

Acupuncture is a traditional method of Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries and many health conditions. It’s difficult to explain how it works precisely, especially using modern-day medical jargon. But to simplify it, in the example of pregnancy, acupuncture can change the nervous system and stimulate hormones that can help in inducing labor, as it promotes cervical ripening. 

Nevertheless, keep in mind that only a professional and licensed acupuncturist can administer this method. And remember to talk about it to your healthcare provider before doing it. If you are good to go, your doctor can even recommend where to do it. 

When it comes to acupressure, similar rules apply. You should go to a trained professional, or you can do it yourself once an acupressure practitioner has instructed you. There is no substantial evidence backing up acupressure as an ideal way to induce labor at home; nonetheless, it can be an incredible way to relieve stress and ease any pain you feel.

Eating Dates

Maybe you’ve heard about it, or perhaps you didn’t, but eating dates can be one of the natural ways to induce labor. As strange as it sounds, some research showed that if you eat dates, it can fasten cervical ripening and dilation. 

There are better ways to jumpstart the delivery of your baby than this, but it can be good to eat dates. They are delicious, healthy, and a perfect substitute for industrial sugar and sweets. 

Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea

Beautiful Happy Pregnant Woman Smiling and Drinking Tea While Sitting on Couch at Home

There are theories that you can use raspberry leaf tea if you are eager to give birth or, to be more precise, drink it to induce labor. 

If you want something to drink to induce labor, you can try this tea, as it is said it can trigger contractions by boosting blood flow to the uterus. Unfortunately, this theory is more of a folk story, as there are no proven scientific data about it being one of the natural ways to induce labor.

Methods You Shouldn’t Use

One of the most popular methods in terms of how to induce labor is using castor oil. You are supposed to drink it to induce labor, and many have been using it for ages. 

However, this technique shouldn’t be used, as this specific oil has a powerful laxative effect, which is not something you want to experience during childbirth. Using it can lead to severe problems with dehydration, so we discourage you from trying this method. 

Final Words

Some of the methods mentioned are more successful than others, but the best thing you can do is to wait patiently and let your body give birth when it is ready. You will meet with many great benefits if you wait, and most importantly, your recovery will be easier and quicker. Also, we must mention it again; you should only do something with the supervision of your healthcare provider.

If you have any more doubts regarding this topic, contact us at Trogolo Obstetrics and Gynecology in Jacksonville, and we will gladly answer your questions.