Many changes happen in a woman’s body during pregnancy, and while some can be pleasant, others can be distressing to the future mother and the unborn baby. One of those things is a condition called gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that can occur during gestation.

It’s a common condition, and you shouldn’t stress out if you have been diagnosed. We know that it may sound awful, and you may feel anxious about it, but there’s a silver lining. A condition like this can be easily treated; in most cases, the treatment doesn’t even include medication. 

The essential thing is to follow a special gestational diabetes diet. The professionals here at Trogolo Obstetrics and Gynecology in Jacksonville will share with you the best pregnancy diabetes diet menu so you can quickly get used to your new diet and lifestyle changes. 

And yes, if you want to manage this condition successfully, some lifestyle changes will have to be alongside your new gestational diabetes meals. We will discuss them later in the article, but first, let us share the best gestational diabetes diet plan. 

What Is Gestational Diabetes?

Pregnancy, Health and Glycemia Concept - Pregnant Beautiful Woman Checking Blood Sugar Level With Glucometer and Lancing Device at Home

First, before we talk about the gestational diabetes diet plan, we should discuss the condition to understand better why you need the diet and lifestyle change. 

Gestational diabetes is a medical disorder that only affects pregnant women and disappears after giving birth. The usual time frame for this type of diabetes is around the 24th through the 32nd week of pregnancy. However, it can develop earlier or later than the time frame mentioned. 

The main reason why something like this can happen is that during this time placenta can prevent insulin from doing its job and keep the blood sugar at a normal level. 

Most of the time, this condition is not dangerous and can be maintained very well with a few simple alterations to the diet and lifestyle. However, the condition shouldn’t be taken lightly as there can be complications. 

Risk Factors

It’s also vital to know the risk factors, especially if you are planning to have a child in the near future. 

Here are the factors that increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes:

  • Had it in prior pregnancies
  • Family history (genetics)
  • Obesity 
  • PCOS
  • Heart disease 
  • High blood pressure

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

As we mentioned, this condition can easily be managed by a slight shift in your diet and a few other lifestyle changes. The most valuable information you can get is the good gestational diabetes food and what’s better to avoid. 

With gestational diabetes meals all planned out and your diet sorted, you will easily keep your blood sugar levels where you want them to be. 

The ideal gestational diabetes diet menu will include a lot of vegetables, a source of protein of your choice, and just enough complex carbohydrates. The key is balance, using quality ingredients, and avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and oils. 

Gestational Diabetes Food

Now we will talk about the best wait to establish a solid gestational diabetes diet and incorporate new habits and routines regarding food. When it comes to diabetes in general, you should always be careful about the number of carbohydrates that you have daily. A certain amount will keep your blood sugar levels regular or make you a problem. 

Because of that, it’s essential to inform yourself about this topic. The good idea is to consult a certified dietitian to help you make a perfect gestational diabetes diet plan. 

The Best Gestational Diabetes Food

Here you’ll find a list of the food you can and should eat to maintain this condition under control. 

  • Protein: chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and low-fat dairy. 
  • Vegetables: salad greens, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, peppers, and green beans. 
  • Complex carbohydrates: whole-wheat bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and beans.
  • Healthy fats: extra virgin olive oil, nuts, and various nut kinds of butter, seeds, avocado, and avocado oil.

Many people think about struggle and how they will be hungry when someone mentions diet. Fortunately, the gestational diabetes diet is not restrictive, and you are encouraged to eat as much as your body desires. The only thing that you need to be careful of is to use quality ingredients and fresh produce and to have balanced meals. 

Protein is essential in your meal as it will keep you full throughout the day, so be sure to pack your breakfast with something protein-rich. Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals and are a vital part of every diet. The mistake many people make when they decide to have a healthier diet is to throw out carbohydrates from it. However, that’s not a good idea, as carbs are essential for the body, energy, and fiber intake. Carbohydrates are not your enemies, but you should remember what the good ones are and what those that you should avoid are. Fats get a reputation similar to carbs because people think they are unhealthy and make you fat. That can be true if we are talking about processed fats, but healthy fats are a crucial part of a good gestational diabetes diet plan, as they bring many benefits to your overall health, especially heart health. 

Gestational Diabetes – Foods to Avoid

We believe it’s easy to remember what you should eat, but the most important thing is to remember what you shouldn’t. And here is the list: 

  • Processed foods: deli meats, burgers, sausages, morning cereals, store-bought condiments like ketchup and mayonnaise, etc.
  • Snacks: chips, crackers, etc.
  • Sweets: chocolate, cookies, cakes, and anything with processed sugar. 
  • Fats: butter, margarine, cooking oil, American cheese. 
  • Sodas and fruit juices.

Tips for Establishing a Great Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

Every change is complex, and setting up a good pregnancy diabetes diet menu can be tiresome. But it doesn’t have to be in this case if you use a few of our tips and tricks.

Be ready to do some prep for your gestational diabetes meals, dedicate some time a week to do the shopping, and prepare all the products and ingredients you’ll use next week. 

Before starting anything, you should get rid of everything you shouldn’t eat so you don’t feel tempted to snack on something that could harm your progress. 

  • Make a plan: Make a list of gestational diabetes meals you want to prepare the next week and write everything you need before grocery shopping. This way, you will stay on track while shopping, and you won’t buy anything unnecessary. 
  • Do meal prep: Cook as much food as you can in advance so you always have something ready to go when you are feeling hungry. This will help you avoid reaching out for fast food and snacks, especially when you don’t have much time. 
  • Hydrate yourself: It’s essential to hydrate yourself throughout the day properly, so be sure to bring a bottle of water wherever you go. 
  • Enjoy healthy snacks: Snacks are encouraged between meals, but only if they are healthy snacks. A good idea is always to have chopped-up carrots and cucumbers around your fridge for snacking. You can always eat fruit or nuts when craving something to snack on. 

Additional Lifestyle Changes

Beautiful Plus Size Runner Woman Running on a Dirt Road in the Forest

Besides the mandatory diet for gestational diabetes that you need to include in your routine, you can make some additional lifestyle changes to ensure you and your future child a better life. 

Including some physical activity in your routine is always good. It will help you maintain your health and blood sugar levels in balance. Considering that you are pregnant, you should consult your OB-GYN before including any type of exercise in your routine.

Final Words About Diet for Gestational Diabetes

Hopefully, you know a little more about this topic and what you can expect during pregnancy. If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, we are confident that our advice can help you and that you’ll be able to change your routine and your health for the better. 

If you have any more concerns, the best obstetrician in Jacksonville, Florida, is here for you to answer all your questions. Don’t hesitate and Trogolo Obstetrics and Gynecology and book your consultation; we are here for you.