Most people think that a baby will automatically sleep when they are tired. However, pediatric counseling specialists reveal that even an overtired baby may not fall asleep quickly. When your child shows the common signs of tiredness including, lidded eyes and a slumped head, you may be confused as to why they still do not fall asleep.

In some instances, parents notice their overtired baby will just sleep anytime. But other parents will notice their babies find it quite difficult to sleep when they are overtired.

‏There are many different opinions and recommendations out there, but it is essential to stick to the expert’s advice. For example, some people will tell you to keep your tired baby awake during the day so they can go straight to sleep and never wake up during the night. However, even though this might work for adults, it usually backfires when dealing with kids. The method leads to more struggles falling and staying asleep. Always remember that “sleep begets sleep.” When your baby sleeps more during the day, they will also sleep better during the night.‏

‏Most experienced parents have figured out that it is best to put their child to sleep before getting too tired. This same technique is listed in the book Healthy Sleep Habits. The renowned author, Dr. Marc Weissbluth, advises parents that “sleep begets sleep.” 

‏Signs of an Overtired Baby

Cute Newborn Baby Girl Lying in the Bed. Two Month Old Infant Child on White Soft Blanket With Teddy Bear‏If it so happens that your baby doesn’t sleep enough or stays awake for too long, they will end up getting stressed. Newborns fighting sleep can’t handle staying up for too long. If that happens, there will be an increase in adrenaline and cortisol levels, making it a lot more difficult for newborns fighting sleep to wind down and go to sleep. ‏

‏Sometimes it may be easy to see that you are dealing with an overtired baby. However, in some instances, it can be difficult to notice that your baby is overtired. The signs of tired babies can be so subtle that you won’t even tell you are dealing with an overtired baby until it’s too late. Here are some of the things to look out for when dealing with newborns fighting sleep: ‏

  • ‏The baby is having a difficult time settling down to sleep.‏
  • ‏They are only taking short naps instead of complete naps.‏
  • ‏The baby is not getting enough sleep at night.‏
  • ‏The baby is quite cranky or fussy.‏
  • ‏The baby is less able to deal with frustration or pain,‏
  • ‏The baby is prone to meltdowns.‏

‏If you notice that your baby sleeps randomly during the day, even when playing or eating, it might be another sign that you are dealing with a case of an overtired baby. Sometimes the baby will start sleeping outside of their normal nap time. If you can’t figure out how to get your baby down on a better schedule, our pediatric counseling may be for you. 

‏Understand Your Baby’s Sleep Needs‏

‏Understanding your baby’s sleeping needs can help you avoid ending up with a tired baby. Sleeping needs can vary from child to child, but age is one of the most general guidelines we can look towards. 

When your baby is only two months old, their need to eat usually surpasses their sleep needs. During this period, the baby will generally want to feed every two hours. This is especially true if you are breastfeeding. If your baby is bottle-fed, they may want to feed a bit less frequently.‏

‏During this time, the baby will sleep for about eight to ten hours a day. However, this period of sleep will not occur all at once. You must divide the time into periods of three to four hours so that the baby can eat. Unfortunately, babies are not able to tell the difference between day and night. Your baby may spend the day sleeping and want to be awake from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.‏ 

‏By the time they get to three months, the baby can sleep for periods of six hours. However, just as soon as things start looking a bit normal, other development parts can throw off the baby’s sleep pattern at nine months. For instance, when the baby begins associating bedtime with being left alone, they might start crying so that you don’t leave them.‏ In this case, distress is affecting their sleep.

‏Rocking and Lullabies Can Help Your Overtired Baby Fall Asleep‏

‏Putting an overtired baby to sleep requires lowering their level of cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone that is responsible for keeping people awake and revved up. To reduce the levels of cortisol, you need to calm the senses. 

The best way to decrease your baby’s cortisol levels is to rock them or sing lullabies. These two methods are some of the best-known calming techniques. Apart from singing and swaying, you can try any sensory soothing method, including the following: ‏

  • Swaddling‏
  • ‏Massage‏
  • ‏Light repetitive movements like swaying or swinging‏
  • ‏Feeding the baby to induce drowsiness‏
  • ‏Dimming the lights‏
  • ‏Playing soft music
  • ‏Using a white noise app on your mobile phone

‏The general idea behind the calming techniques is to remove stimulation and signal to the body that it’s time to sleep. If calming methods are not working or you want more detailed intel on your child’s sleep, you can take your baby for pediatric counseling. Doctor Ana will work with you to ensure your child gets the rest they need for proper development. 

Young Beautiful Mother Putting Her Newborn Baby

‏Keep the Baby Cool‏

‏Similar to us, babies sleep better when the temperature is consistent and cool. The ideal temperature to put a baby to sleep is between 69 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Regulating temperature also means that you shouldn’t over-bundle your baby. Instead of dressing your baby in heavy clothes, you can dress them in layers. Layers can help you regulate the baby’s temperature. If you are not sure how to dress your baby, just make sure they have whatever you have on plus one extra layer. ‏

‏If you start noticing that your baby is sweating, then they may be over-bundled. Apart from the dressing, you also need to put your crib in the right spot. It should not be in the direct pathway of your A/C or heating vents. You don’t want to expose your child to sudden temperature changes. Temperature changes will startle and disturb your baby, making it difficult for them to sleep. You must also ensure that the baby’s crib is far away from the windows to protect them from drafts and noise.‏

‏Clear the Clutter‏

‏Make sure the nursery room is a designated sleep area. We recommend you keep the area around the crib free of toys and other play items. Crib distractions can confuse your baby and make it difficult for them to fall asleep‏. They will not understand whether the room is a playpen or a place to sleep.‏


‏These are some of the ways you can put your overtired baby to sleep. It’s important to understand your baby’s sleep needs so you can avoid a situation where they get too tired and fussy. That’s where Pediatric counseling can help. Give us a call to schedule an appointment. At Dr. Ana M. Hernandez-Puga Pediatrics we are happy to answer any questions you may have and get to the bottom of your child’s sleep irregularities.