When it comes to weight loss, many people want to shed pounds to improve the appearance of their physique. Maybe you could attest to that feeling. Have you ever wanted to lose a few pounds to get ready for vacation or to simply slip into your favorite jeans more effortlessly? I’m sure we can all relate to that feeling. However, did you realize that your life changes after losing weight?

Losing five to ten percent of your weight can create substantial health upsides. The benefits of low body fat can contribute to life changes after losing weight. While at first, you may think you need to lose a large number to see changes, losing such a small percentage of your overall weight causes improvements. Losing five to ten percent of our weight can increase energy levels, mobility, and so much more.

Some people create weight loss benchmarks. Let’s say your goal is to lose 20 pounds. You may wonder if losing a pound a day is healthy or even possible or safe to lose 20 pounds in a month. Losing weight too rapidly can actually have adverse health effects. We want to approach weight loss safely and effectively to reap the benefits. 

Dr. Andrew Krinsky Gynecology and Women’s Wellness is a weight loss clinic in Florida. If you’re looking to trim up or lose 20 pounds in a month, Dr. Krinsky can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle. Losing a pound a day may not be a healthy approach to your life. You can achieve healthy weight loss with accountability and a team providing you with professional guidance. It can be challenging to approach your weight loss journey alone; visit us for support and help. 

By visiting our weight loss clinic in Florida, we can help you target stubborn fat and prescribe diet and lifestyle alterations. We also offer body contouring and sculpting to help you achieve results quicker. If you’re wondering how long to lose 20 pounds or your goal is to lose 20 pounds in a month, we can help you achieve success through effective and long-term weight loss habits. 

Sometimes, a support system can help you throughout your weight loss journey. Our weight loss clinic in Florida is a judgment-free space to help you look and feel better. 

Benefits of Low Body Fat

Happy Young Woman Measuring Her Waist While Looking at Mirror at Home.

Research proves that losing five to ten percent of your overall body weight can dramatically improve your cardiovascular health and reduce your risk for developing certain cancers. If you’re overweight and need to lose five to ten percent of your body weight, you may be wondering about the potential benefits. The possible effects from shedding extra pounds include a myriad of health improvements.

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Lower chance of developing heart disease, cancer and, type two diabetes
  • Better cholesterol
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Eased Arthritis symptoms
  • Less joint pain
  • Improved sleep
  • Boosted Self-Esteem
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Lower likelihood of developing osteoporosis

These health benefits are even more likely to occur if you are obese and lose five to ten percent of your weight. Let’s dive into more detail about the benefits of low body fat and how life changes after losing weight.

Regulate Blood Sugar

If you have type two diabetes, losing weight can improve your insulin sensitivity. You have more adipose tissue when you have too much body fat. Adipose tissue is the fatty tissue that affects the productivity of your hormones that process sugar levels. When you lose weight and body fat, you decrease the density of adipose tissue, which allows your body to process sugar more efficiently.

Achieve Heart Health

Your heart already works hard enough to pump blood throughout your body, and when your arteries are clogged, it puts extra pressure on your heart. When you lose weight, you lower your blood pressure and cholesterol-reducing your risk for heart disease. Whether you use body contouring, surgery, or exercise and diet changes, your body will reap the benefits.

Improved Sleep

Those who are overweight have a higher likelihood of suffering from sleep apnea. The disorder is caused by fat deposits in the neck impacting the ability to breathe during sleep. While losing weight may not be the entire solution for sleeping problems, it can reduce the severity of sleep apnea in obese patients who lose ten to fifteen percent of their body weight. 

Boosted Confidence

How you feel about yourself can greatly impact your mental health. If you suffer from low self-esteem because of your body image, you can boost your confidence by taking health into your own hands. Losing weight can not only impact your physical health, but it can improve your mental health. 

Researchers have studied the psychology behind weight loss. There is no direct relation to weight loss and mental health; however, a study revealed that the people who lost weight also experienced continuous improvements in overall well-being, self-worth, and body image. 

Boosted Energy

Weight loss can boost your energy. This is especially true if you are working out more because exercise increases your energy levels. As we mentioned before, weight loss can improve your sleep, so more rest also causes increased energy levels. It also makes breathing more accessible because oxygen can pass through your system correctly without blockage. High oxygen levels make you feel energized.

 Did you know that when you are overweight, your body has to work even harder to move? This may result in fatigue and low energy levels. You may feel invigorated upon losing weight since your mobility is improved. 

Afro Woman Practicing Warrior II Pose Using Online Yoga Training Program in the Tablet at Home

Increased Libido

Whether self-esteem, energy, or the unknown is impacting your sex drive, losing weight is known to increase your libido. Are you wondering why? When you shed excess pounds, it is linked to increasing your testosterone levels and lowering SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) levels. This combination is shown to cause an improved libido and sexual drive.

Joint Pain

Weight gain can be a tremendous amount of stress on your joints, causing inflammation, suffering, and strain. Losing weight can help alleviate your joint pain. For adults suffering from obesity and arthritis, a study in 2018 revealed that losing up to 20 percent of their weight caused less joint pain. These patients suffered from knee joint pain. 

How Long to Lose 20 Pounds

Whether or not 20 pounds is your golden number, you want to take a healthy approach to weight loss. Losing weight too fast can cause health problems like muscle loss, fatigue, or gallstones. Working with professionals can make your weight loss journey more effective and keep your health on track. 

Our weight loss clinic in Florida has experience helping people achieve their goals. Do you want to lose weight to improve your overall health? Call us today and book an appointment. Let’s get you feeling and feeling more confident and healthy.