Size, shape, and skin coloration of the female external genitalia may vary greatly. Although most of these variations are considered normal, some women dislike the large protuberant appearance of their labia, or experience discomfort or pain when wearing tight clothing, exercising, or intercourse. This may cause severe embarrassment with a sexual partner. The most common cause of enlarged labia minora is due to labia hypertrophy. This condition is easily treated with a minor surgical procedure under local anesthesia or sedation. Surgical labial reduction can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance of the abnormally enlarged labia as well as add to comfort in everyday activities.
Can often be performed in combination with labiaplasty. A clitoral hood reduction is designed to trim excess skin that may be hanging over the clitoris and affecting both appearance of the external genitalia as well as sexual satisfaction.

After pregnancy and delivery, many women experience weakening and loosening of the vaginal muscles and vaginal opening. This condition usually does not improve after Kegel exercises, necessitating minor gynecologic surgical procedure, which tightens vaginal muscles and surrounding soft tissues. This leads to an immediate decrease in the size of vaginal muscles, resulting in more friction and better satisfaction during sexual intercourse.
Some patients may be better candidates for non-surgical treatment with MonaLisa Touch procedure.
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Very good specialist, attentive, knowledgeable and professional, very positive and responsive. Thanks a lot , Lev
Love Kand. He is A very special Dr. And take Time and care with his patients.