Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic Floor Therapy is a non-surgical, painless method of retraining the pelvic floor muscles that help control bladder, bowel, and sexual function
Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help you to actively support your bladder and bowel, reducing the likelihood of leaking. 75 -90% of the patients treated attain significant improvement or are cured with this type of therapy.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

The pelvic floor Is a hammock of muscles that connect the pubis bone at the front to the tailbone at the back. The pelvic floor supports the bladder as well as the
reproductive organs and connects the inferior aspect of the hip bones and THE sacrum. The urethra, Vagina and rectum pass through these muscles and are affected by their function.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) is a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. There are approximately 50 million women inUS and billions of women worldwide who suffer with this problem, yet only a small percentage of the most severely affected ever discuss it. If you have a pelvic problem and catch it early enough, you may be able to correct the problem without surgery.

Pelvic floor dysfunction is usually the result of childbirth and occurs when the pelvic floor muscles are stretched and damaged during pregnancy and childbirth. There are other factors that can cause PFD such as aging and weight gain.

The pelvic floor muscles keep the bladder, vagina and uterus and rectum high in the pelvis where they belong. When the pelvic floor weakens, these organs slip down from their original positions:

  • When the bladder falls you leak urine.
  • When it affects the vagina, you may have decreased sensitivity, and at worse, your vagina and uterus can fall out of your body.
  • When it’s the rectum, the result is fecal incontinence.

PFD disrupts a woman’s quality of life by altering social interactions, causing loss of self- esteem and depression. PFD cost millions of dollars, in fact, PFD cost more than breast, ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancer treatments combined.

These conditions are often not discussed. However, it can run in families and even if you don’t have symptoms now, you may be prone to getting them in the future.

Pelvic floor health, just like a pap smear and a mammogram should be part of a woman’s routine wellness exam. Be proactive and bring it up during your next medical exam. With early diagnosis, these disorders are more easily treated. Most of these disorders can be prevented by strengthening your pelvic floor.

Don’t worry. Pelvic floor dysfunction is often preventable and treatable. Most medical organizations recommend pelvic rehabilitation/ pelvic floor therapy.

What is pelvic floor therapy? Pelvic floor therapy is the strengthening and
retraining of the pelvic floor muscles through monitored exercises, and electrical
stimulation. It is used to treat several urology diagnoses.

Is it painful? No, it is not.

How often will I have therapy? You will have a session once a Week for approximately 6—8 weeks. These sessions will last about 1 hr.

What can I expect when I arrive for my sessions? You will lay on an exam table. The therapy is monitored through internal probes. It will be just you and the nurse in the room.


Interested in scheduling an appointment with one of our providers? Request an appointment online.