Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and pinched a few inches of skin? Maybe you felt motivated to start using that gym membership, cut out carbs, or try the latest health kick. Possibly you have already been burning the end at both sticks. You were trying new workouts and maybe even felt frustrated that nothing seemed to smooth out your tummy. 

We might have the perfect solution to target your stubborn areas of body fat. Until recently, the only way to get rid of stubborn body fat was through liposuction. The procedure, while effective, takes a toll on your body and finances. You have to go under general anesthesia during the procedure, and recovery time is usually a month. Thankfully, medicine has advanced, and those suffering from stubborn body fat have a viable solution. Say hello to body contouring.

Non-invasive body contouring, otherwise known as nonsurgical fat reduction, can help you target and reduce stubborn areas of fat on your body. The latest technology in non-invasive body contouring can help you achieve that streamlined look you have been trying to obtain. Say goodbye to ineffective workouts and useless diet fads with a body contouring treatment. 

Come in Prepared

Calm Lady in a White Bathrobe Standing Next to the Medical Couch With a Modern Body Contouring Machine on the Background

Before you pick an office, remember to do your due diligence. You can perform research by searching “body contouring near me,” “how does body sculpting work,” and “what is body sculpting.” 

You want to make sure you know what to expect during treatment; that way, you don’t enter the office for your appointment asking, “what is body contouring.” However, if you don’t feel like the professionals at the office answer your questions properly, the clinic may not be ready for you. The most important thing to remember is to trust your gut. You want to place yourself in a position where your comfort is put first.

At Women’s Care of Bradenton, we pride ourselves on empowering women to achieve their goals without judgment. Your body is beautiful and without flaws. We offer treatments like Contoura to give women a choice. If your body affects how you feel about yourself and impacts your daily life, you should not have to suffer. 

We want you to remember you are not ever alone; there are solutions available to make you feel your best. Our supportive team will be there with you every step of the way if you choose to partake in any procedure. You can guarantee a judgment-free process.

What is Body Contouring?

If you have found yourself searching, “body contouring near me,” you’ve come to the right place. Maybe you’re wondering what body contouring is. The procedure is a non-invasive body contouring treatment. It is a  clinically proven solution to target and permanently eliminate adipose tissue while contracting the skin at the same time. At Women’s Care of Bradenton, we offer Contoura. 

If you are wondering how you can achieve your dream body and what body sculpting is, remember in addition to treatment, it takes hard work and a balanced diet. However, if you tried to achieve your body goal with a balanced lifestyle but still haven’t found success, try Contoura. The procedure can help target fat and reduce cellulite without the downtime of liposuction. The average cost of treatment varies; however, the price is a fraction compared to the surgical option. 

What to Expect During Treatment

During treatment, a healthcare professional will begin your appointment with a consultation. Ask any questions you may have, including, “what is body sculpting?” Your appointment should last 30-60 minutes. You can treat the following areas, the most popular being the lower abdomen:

  • Buttocks
  • Chin
  • Neck 
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Love handles
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Back or “Bra Fat”

You can expect to be walked through the treatment. You should discuss your goals, and the number of treatments suggested to achieve your desired results. It is also important you speak with your doctor about the best practices to maintain your results. Continuing to follow a healthy, balanced diet while staying active will be key to getting the most out of your treatments. Contoura is recommended for women close to their goal weight with a BMI of 15-31. 

You will also go over your medical history before you begin. As with any in-office treat, we like to go over what medications you are taking. It is likely to discuss your use of alcohol and tobacco. You will then go over the risks of the treatment and sign a consent form. Once it is time to begin, your healthcare professional may ask if you are interested in taking before and after photos to track your progress.

Body Contouring Treatment

Woman Lying and Having Towels on Her Body While Cosmetologist Applying Hand Probe to Her Hip

The area of treatment will likely be marked with a marker or pen. Then, once the Contoura tool is applied to your body, you will feel different sensations. The machine uses radio frequency and suction to destroy deep layers of fat tissue. You will likely feel heat and pulsations of electricity working to tighten your skin. Your skin may feel like it is being pulled because the device performs like a vacuum.

The settings of the device can be adjusted based on your comfort level. It is important to communicate with whoever is doing your body contouring treatment. If you feel pain, let them know. Tolerance varies, but your comfort is the most important part of treatment.

The treatment does not require numbing cream or pain relievers, but your sensitivity will determine how you react. Most people describe that the pulsating energy feels like a moderate to strong tap or flick.

Be sure not to take any blood-thinning medications. They can encourage a hickey or bruise to develop on the treatment surface because of the suction that takes place. Some patients need more treatments to achieve their desired results. The average frequency ranges from five to nine treatment sessions. 

How Does Body Sculpting Work?

If you’re wondering, “how does body sculpting work?” look no further. Contoura body sculpting is proven to permanently kill fat cells. The treatment uses radiofrequency and suction to destroy fat cells and leave you with tighter, slimmer, and smoother skin. 

Over the course of a few treatments, the pulsations of energy will kill those stubborn fat cells for good. The technologies used during treatment are bi-polar radio-frequency, a vacuum, and HV electroporation pulses. In combination, this trio is applied to your skin, pulsating deep into your cells to tighten, firm, and contour your figure. Contoura is unique to other forms of body sculpting like CoolSculpting or UltraShape. It is the only treatment verified to mix results of fat reduction along with true tissue tightening.

If you are interested in reducing your stubborn fat while achieving tighter, firmer skin, give us a call to schedule you for Contoura. We can go over everything you need and want to know about the treatment and your specific case. Choose a practice like ours that puts your comfort and care above all else while achieving desirable results. 

At Women’s Care of Bradenton, our med spa has the latest technology in body sculpting. Finally, address your feminine health concerns. Schedule your consultation or appointment today.