Menopause is something that every woman goes through. Though you might think that you have years until it arrives, the average age that women in the United States experience the early signs of menopause is just 51. Some women notice the symptoms when they’re in their early to mid-40s, too. Votiva is a treatment option that can significantly reduce some of your symptoms both during menopause and during your postmenopausal years.

Symptoms of Menopause

Before meeting with your doctor to talk about possible treatments, you may want to make sure that you are in menopause. This is a natural part of the aging process and lets you know that your hormone balance changed. Menopause also signifies that you are no longer fertile. A common symptom is that your period stops. You need to go a minimum of 12 months without having a period for the doctor to determine that you’re in menopause. Some of the other symptoms that you might feel can include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Memory problems
  • Changes in how you feel and think about sex
  • Vaginal dryness 

Symptoms of Menopause

Internal and External Changes

Votiva is a treatment available for postmenopausal women and those in menopause. It can help with both the external and internal changes that your body goes through. It does not require surgery and works in just three sessions with a licensed practitioner. Some women notice a few changes after only one session. Most women notice changes within two weeks of the procedure, but others show signs of improvement after three weeks. 

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Women who are good candidates for Votiva feminine rejuvenation include those looking for a painless way to treat their symptoms. You’re also a good candidate if you suffer from vaginal dryness or feel that your vagina is looser than it was before you had children. Women of any age can choose this treatment, including those in postmenopause and those in menopause.

How Does the Treatment Work?

The Votiva treatment uses a radio frequency to specifically target the loose tissue in your vagina. This is the same technology that professionals use to eliminate wrinkles on the face. The frequency focuses on the loose tissue and causes it to tighten. Not only can it help a loose vagina, but the procedure is suitable for women who experience dryness, too. Many women noticed changes in both the feel and appearance of their vaginas after treatment. 

Help for Menopausal and Postmenopausal Women

Before meeting with a professional to talk about getting Votiva in Bradenton, you can easily learn more about the benefits of the treatment and how it helps both menopausal and postmenopausal women. This can eliminate the problems that you have with incontinence. As your body ages, the tissue in and around your vagina will lose some of its natural elasticity. This makes it difficult for you to hold in urine and can result in some embarrassing accidents. The procedure strengthens the tissue so you can go out and about without worrying about finding the nearest bathroom.

Postmenopausal and menopausal women sometimes experience a change in their sexual actions and behaviors because having intercourse causes them some pain. This often occurs because the tissue cannot expand as well as it did before. Not only does non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation tighten the loose tissue, but it can also help with the dryness that you feel. Tightening the vaginal tissue improves blood flow and can help you feel excited about sex with someone special again.

Choosing this treatment can help with the itchiness that you feel, too. While mild itching may indicate a yeast infection, it can also occur because of vaginal dryness, especially if you have intercourse without using a lubricant. Lubricants provide the wetness that you need and are easy to apply in the heat of the moment. However, if you’re tired of fumbling around in drawers to have fun with a significant other, this treatment might be a good choice for you.

Many women found that it also helped with their self-confidence. When you cannot share intimate moments with another person because it hurts, you might not feel as confident as you did in the past. The longer that you go between those intimate moments, the worse you may feel. This can make you feel bad about yourself and even lead to depression. With just a few of these treatments, you can put a spring back in your step and boost your self-esteem.

Help for Menopausal and Postmenopausal Women

Another symptom that the treatment can help with is the urge to urinate. Those in the early stages of menopause often notice that they need to use the bathroom more often than they did before. Incontinence can refer to both the accidents that you had because you couldn’t hold your bladder as well as the need you have to urinate. You might find that you visit the bathroom at least once an hour and that barely anything comes out. This FDA-approved treatment can cut down on your urges to use the restroom. 

Thanks to a Votiva treatment, you can also improve your mood and beat the stress that you feel. If you cannot share intimate moments with a partner, it can cause you stress that transfers out of the bedroom. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself fighting with your partner more than you did in the past or if you have issues that come up every day. This vaginal treatment helps you in the bedroom. Sexual intercourse is a natural stress reliever and can boost your mood. Therefore, many women have found this treatment to help with their stress levels.

Some also found that Votiva feminine rejuvenation helped with their concentration issues and memory problems. Often called brain fog, this problem occurs as you age. It’s similar to the fog that some women experience while pregnant. It affects how quickly you can remember the right words as well as solve simple problems in your head. After a few appointments, you may find that your brain feels stronger and that you don’t have the memory and concentration issues that plagued you early in menopause. With non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation in Bradenton, you also reduce your risks of developing heart disease and prostate cancer. Though rare, prostate cancer can affect women.

Transform Your Life With Votiva in Bradenton

Few women look forward to going through menopause because they think it means the end of their younger years. With the right treatment, you’ll remain as active during those postmenopausal days as you used to be. Women’s Care of Bradenton makes it easy for you to learn about your options and find out how you can transform your life. Sign up for an in-person or a telemedicine appointment with us today to see if this treatment will help with the symptoms you experience during menopause and postmenopause.