A big chunk of tissue, called a decidual cast, can be expelled from the body through the vaginal canal. Once discharged, its shape is somewhat similar to the uterus. Extreme pain and abnormal uterine bleeding are possible side effects.

If the symptoms are not caused by another ailment, they should disappear once the decidual cast has left the body. A decidual uterine cast can happen for various reasons, including hormonal contraception and ectopic pregnancy, although the exact cause is unknown.

Keep on reading to find out potential decidual cast causes, how to recognize the symptoms, and what to do if you experience them. You’re welcome to schedule an appointment at gynecology clinics in Weston and Pembroke Pines if there’s anything that worries you. 

The Symptoms of Decidual Uterine Cast

Woman Wearing White Shirt Sitting on Bed Have a Bladder Pain or Uti Pain After Wake up in the Morning Feeling So Illness

The process of expelling a decidual cast can cause severe pain. A few days before it’s all over, it’s possible to experience the following symptoms: 

  • Painful abdominal cramping
  • Heavy and abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Extreme feeling of discomfort

However, after the cast is out, you may find that your symptoms disappear nearly immediately. As soon as the cast leaves the body, it may appear solid, shiny, and pink. The glossy look comes from a combination of blood, mucous, and tissue.

Decidual cast and miscarriage symptoms may appear similar. Both can cause discomfort, abnormal uterine bleeding, pain, and the loss of huge amounts of tissue. If you’re experiencing any of these and think you could be pregnant, you should see a doctor. You can always count on Dr. Kompal Gadh for any gynecological health matters and emergencies. 

Potential Decidual Cast Causes

There is no one clear reason why someone might experience a decidual uterine cast. There are several potential causes, though, some of which include:

Ectopic Pregnancy

When an egg gets fertilized anywhere other than the uterus, the resulting pregnancy is known as an ectopic. This is a serious medical condition because the pregnancy cannot continue.

If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, it is imperative that you contact emergency medical services immediately.

Hormonal Contraception

Decidual casts have been linked to the use of hormonal contraceptives, particularly those with a high progesterone content. Oral contraceptives, injectables, and implants are all possible options.

Stopping or irregularly using hormonal contraceptives also increases one’s risk of developing a decidual cast.

Other Possible Decidual Cast Causes

A doctor assessing your condition may take into account the possibility that you could also deal with the following:

  • Pregnancy or miscarriage
  • Skin tags or fibroepithelial polyps
  • Masses inside the uterus
  • Certain cancers like sarcoma botryoides and rhabdomyosarcoma

How Is Decidual Cast Diagnosed?

A doctor will look at your medical records and do a physical examination to diagnose a decidual cast based on this information. You should expect questions regarding the nature of your symptoms, their location, and how long you’ve been experiencing them.

If you exhibit all of the signs of a decidual cast, including fleshy tissue during your period, a pelvic exam is unnecessary. However, if medical treatment fails to alleviate your period pain and your doctor feels that your pain is secondary dysmenorrhea (or something else) rather than the menstrual cycle itself, you may have to undergo this procedure. After that, diagnostic ultrasonography could be performed to pinpoint potential causes. The doctor might have to do a swab if they suspect a pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 

When consulting with a medical professional, you should be prepared to answer questions about your current health status, including the possibility of pregnancy and the use of hormonal contraception.

The doctor may order imaging testing either before or after expelling the decidual cast. They can use these to understand better what’s going on, especially in the event of passing atypical fleshy tissue during the period. Other probable disorders, such as ectopic pregnancy or abnormal lumps in your reproductive system, will also be checked for.

A laparoscopy may be in order if you have exhausted noninvasive treatment options and still don’t know what’s causing your problems.

What Could Increase the Risk of Decidual Cast?

Doctor Woman Dressed in Medical Suit Talking in Office

If you use hormonal birth control, you may be at a higher risk of getting a decidual uterine cast. There are various factors to consider, such as how frequently or infrequently you take it. If you have just discontinued hormonal contraception usage, you, too, may be at risk. 

The majority of patients who have a decidual cast pass it with no ill effects. Even if you’ve passed decidual cast tissue previously, there’s no reason to suppose you’ll have the condition again.

Researchers have found that decidual casts have no adverse effects on women’s health in the long run. 

Is a Decidual Cast Preventable?

Decidual casts are uncommon, and unfortunately, there is little you can do to stop them from happening. Some birth control methods may cause a decidual cast or fleshy tissue during your period as a side effect. You need to know what to expect from any hormonal contraceptives you use.