Minimally invasive ovarian cyst removal surgery is known as an ovarian cystectomy. An ovarian cyst tends to disappear after a couple of months and doesn’t cause serious harm. However, in some cases, ovarian cysts can persist and even grow, thus causing irregular menstrual cycles and pain. Essentially, the ovarian cyst has to be larger than 5 cm or trigger discomfort and pain to fit the surgery. The procedure might also be necessary if there’s a suspicion of the cyst being malignant. Make sure to schedule a gynecological appointment at Advanced OBGYN Institute if you suspect an ovarian cyst or notice any unusual gynecological symptoms.

The Process of Ovarian Cystectomy

To remove the ovarian cyst, the doctor will opt for the laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy in most cases. Basically, they will make a small incision in the abdomen and insert the laparoscope through it to observe the cyst. The doctor will then remove the cyst but preserve the ovary unless the whole ovary has to be removed due to malignancy.

Instead of laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, some patients might need to undergo a laparotomy or have surgery with a bigger incision in the abdomen. This depends on their medical condition.

That said, an ovarian cystectomy requires general anesthesia. Depending on whether the ovarian cyst removal surgery is laparoscopy or laparotomy, the patient might need to stay in the hospital for up to four days.

There aren’t too many risks associated with ovarian cyst removal surgery, but there are potential side effects, much like with any procedure of this kind. These side effects include:

  • Cyst recurrences
  • Bladder/bowel damage
  • Adhesions
  • Infections

Ovarian Cyst Removal Surgery Preparation

Before undergoing surgery, the patient will have to do some routine tests and check the eligibility for anesthesia. The doctor might suggest the patient stop taking certain meds such as blood thinners that could up the bleeding risk during the surgery.

Between six to eight hours before the surgery, the patient should fast. All jewelry and nail polish should be removed and both the finger and toenails properly cut. Take a bath before coming to the hospital and take any meds that the doctor or anesthesiologist may have suggested.

The ovarian cyst removal surgery lasts for about an hour. Once it’s done, the patient will be closely monitored in the recovery area for about two to three hours. If everything seems fine, the patient will be able to move to their own room.

Gynecologist With Medical Instrument With Mirror Standing in Front of Woman

What to Expect After the Surgery?

Immediately after undergoing the laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, the first thing the patient would notice is a sore throat caused by the anesthesia. Other things that the patient could expect include:

  • Mild pain sensation in the incision area
  • Following a liquid or soft diet on the day of the procedure

If there are no complications or issues, the patient will usually be sent home the next day. They will be able to resume their regular diet and will have to take prescribed oral meds. However, no strenuous activities should be involved for at least a week.

As mentioned, the hospital stay and recovery process will take longer in case of laparotomy or a bigger incision in the abdomen.

It’s possible to notice a relatively small scar at the place of the incision, but it should heal and fade away in time.

While most ovarian cysts cause no harm and go away after a while, sometimes they might require surgical removal. The ovarian cyst removal surgery is surgery like any other, but it shouldn’t make you stressed or worried, considering the high success rate with the infrequent occurrence of side effects. Of course, make sure to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your doctor. That said, you’re welcome to contact us at Advanced OBGYN Institute for all gynecological matters.