For women experiencing a painful lump in their breast, it can indicate that there is a breast cyst present. Certain cyst symptoms occur, which can help individuals identify if they have a cyst in a breast or if it’s something else. 

Keep reading as we discuss what this condition causes, the symptoms, and when it requires treatment.  

What Is a Breast Cyst?

A breast cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops inside a breast. Typically they are not cancerous, and women may experience one or multiple at the same time. When felt, they are often compared to a grape or a small water balloon. However, some can be firm when touched. 

When Do Cysts Need Treating?

If an individual fits into any of the following categories, then the cyst will most likely need to be drained of fluid:

  • It is large 
  • It feels like a painful lump in the breast   
  • It’s uncomfortable 

Who Is Most Likely to Get a Breast Cyst?

They are known to occur in women of all ages. Although, it’s a lot more common for women to deal with them before menopause, under the age of 50. Those that are undertaking hormone therapy and are postmenopausal are also known to develop cysts. 

Understanding Cyst Symptoms

Young Woman Examining Her Breast for Lumps or Signs of Breast Cancer on White Background.

There are certain cyst symptoms that indicate a woman is facing this type of breast lump. They may include all or some of the following:

  • Discharge from the nipple that is yellow or dark brown in color. 
  • Pain or tenderness when touching the breast area.
  • An increase in the lump size just before a woman starts her period.
  • A decrease in lump size after a womans’ period ends.
  • A smooth, round lump inside the breast that you can feel. If the edges feel smooth, this is sometimes an indication that the lump is not cancerous.

Does a Cyst in Breast Increase the Risk of Cancer?

In short, no, it does not. However, having them can make it harder to determine when other types of breast lumps occur. Other breast issues may arise, but those can be hard to identify due to the already present cysts. It’s recommended for women to become familiar with the feel of cysts that don’t need draining, so they can notice if another issue is developing. 

What Causes Them?

There is a type of tissue within breasts known as glandular tissue that looks like a daisy’s petals. The lobes are separated into smaller ones that help create milk when pregnant and afterward for breastfeeding. Supporting tissues that shape the breast are made from fatty tissue and fibrous connective tissue. When a cyst in the breast develops, it is because fluid has built up inside the glands of the breast. 

They are split into two different types of breast lumps depending on the size:

  • Microcysts (too small to feel)
  • Macrocysts (approximately 1 to 2 inches in diameter)

Health professionals believe that they occur due to hormonal changes brought on by periods. However, there isn’t enough supporting evidence to confirm this is 100% accurate.

Seeing a Doctor to Diagnose a Lump

Do you want to see a doctor and determine what the painful lump in your breast is? Come to the sunny Palm Beach County, Florida area. Our team of specialists is on-call to help. At Advanced Surgical Physicians, we are a group of friendly and well-experienced professionals that can accurately diagnose lumps. Book an appointment today.