Pilonidal Disease Treatment in Wellington, FL
You may have been told you have a pilonidal cyst and are concerned. These can be painful, fluid producing areas and are located at the tailbone or coccyx area.
Pilonidal cysts affect between 70,000 and 200,000 people in the US yearly, affecting both men and women, but most often men between the onset of puberty and 40.
The cause behind these pilonidal cysts isn’t completely clear. Experts believe that the hairs that grow on the crease between the buttocks can get traumatized and penetrate the skin in the area. The hair may start to irritate the skin and may cause irritation that may lead to abscess formation and pain in the tailbone area.
The most apparent signs of these cysts are:
- Tailbone pain and irritation
- Visible painful mass
- Small dimple
- Fluid or pus drainage from the cyst
- Redness and tenderness
- Nausea and fever due to the area becoming infected
Diagnosis and Treatment
Patients usually receive a diagnosis after a physical examination. For the most part, the majority of patients develop an acute abscess episode that may pop and drain and heal with antibiotics or additional drainage by a general surgeon.Some patients will develop a pilonidal sinus that may require additional procedures to help alleviate the problem.
Cyst Treatment
There are several different types of pilonidal cyst treatments. Some of the procedures available are: a pilonidal pit picking, incision and drainage, pilonidal cystectomy or possible a cleft lift to alleviate the symptoms and prevent return of the problem. No matter the treatment, the long term solution is keeping the area hair free.
More Complex Pilonidal Cyst Treatment
In the case of recurring pilonidal cyst infections, experts recommend taking the surgical route by opening the sinuses and placing closure flaps on the area, a cleft lift, which ensures a better long-term outcome.
Have any more questions regarding pilonidal disease and our treatment methods? Schedule a consultation with our experts today. Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Eldredge can answer all questions and develop a treatment plan that best suits your problem.