Many gallbladder issue symptoms can occur without warning. These can vary from you feeling minor discomfort to intense pain. Most of the time, the symptoms will only be temporary, although there is the possibility that they continue or repeat regularly, highlighting a serious problem.
For serious cases, it can indicate signs you need your gallbladder removed. Thankfully, your low-functioning gallbladder is a small organ that can be removed without disrupting your bodily functions too much.
What Does a Gallbladder Do, and Is It Possible to Live Without a Gallbladder?
Many often ask if it’s possible to live without a gallbladder. The function of the gallbladder is to store bile that assists in the digestion process for certain foods. If removing the low-functioning gallbladder is necessary, the liver and biliary system step in to replace its function. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely that living without a gallbladder will cause any issues when digesting food.
The Most Common Gallbladder Problem
There are a variety of issues that can cause problems within the gallbladder. However, the most common one is the formation of gallstones. They consist of tough particles that are a combination of cholesterol, bile, calcium, and other parts that sometimes become stuck in the bile ducts. Bile cannot travel freely from the organ when this occurs, causing individuals to feel great pain.
A common misconception is that those who experience gallbladder pain only feel it shortly after eating high in fat meals. Although, when gallbladder issue symptoms do occur, they can be felt at any time, no matter the type of diet individuals have.
Gallbladder pain without stones can occur as well, but it tends to be less common.
The Biggest Signs You Need Your Gallbladder Removed
One of the signs you need your gallbladder removed is if you feel immense pain in that area soon after eating a meal with high-fat content. However, this can also occur with any type of meal. You would also notice a sharp stabbing pain in the upper abdomen region.
One of the most common gallbladder issue symptoms is finding that you suffer from increased bouts of nausea. Although it’s common for nausea to be the main symptom for many digestive problems, if it happens at the same time as abdominal pain, there’s a good chance that it’s a gallbladder issue.
If this doesn’t get treated, this will cause more problems within that area, like producing pancreatitis and jaundice, for example. In more severe cases, the gallbladder will become infected, making the area gangrenous.
If you experience any of these signs, it’s a good idea to have surgery to get your gallbladder removed.
Experiencing Gallbladder Pain Without Stones?
Although the majority of gallbladder problems occur due to stones, there are some instances where this simply isn’t the case. Biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis often occur in those who have a low-functioning gallbladder. Many of the same symptoms are still experienced, but this is a specific type of gallbladder pain without stones that’s causing the problem.
Contacting a Surgical Professional
If you’re worried about symptoms that you believe to be originating from your gallbladder, Advanced Surgical Physicians are here to help. Located in the Palm Beach County, Florida area, our team of trained medical experts can help accurately determine the issues you’re facing and suggest the best treatment plan. Book an appointment today.