One of your options for pain relief is hemorrhoid suppositories. But how effective are they? How do you use a suppository for hemorrhoids correctly? If you are wondering about these questions and are eager to learn more about using a rectal suppository, you have clicked on the right article. Find out everything there is to know about safely alleviating hemorrhoid pain, discomfort, and burning sensations. Also, if you are in the area or looking for the best professionals, consider hemorrhoid treatment in Palm Beach County. Get the best treatment possible – positive results are always guaranteed.
Is a suppository for hemorrhoids a good idea? Do they really work? Keep reading to find out.
What Are Hemorrhoid Suppositories Used For?
Before understanding how a suppository for hemorrhoids works, it’s important to define what the word “hemorrhoids” refers to. In brief, hemorrhoids or “piles” are veins in the anus and the lower rectum that are swollen. They resemble varicose veins and can develop inside and outside the rectum (internal or external hemorrhoids). Approximately three out of four adult patients will experience hemorrhoids occasionally. While piles can be caused by different factors, usually, the exact reason is unknown.
The following signs and symptoms usually accompany external hemorrhoids located under the skin around the patient’s anus:
- Bleeding
- Discomfort or pain
- Irritation or itching in the anal region
- Swelling around the rectum
On the other hand, internal hemorrhoids are located inside the patient’s rectum. While you typically do not feel or see internal hemorrhoids, they can cause the following symptoms when the patient passes stools:
- Irritation and pain
- Painless bleeding during a bowel movement (usually, patients notice bright red blood in the toilet or toilet tissue after bowel movements)
Some patients may also experience thrombosed hemorrhoids which can result in:
- Inflammation
- Swelling
- Increased pain
- A hard lump close to the anus
So, what are hemorrhoid suppositories used for? These are solid medicine preparations designed to be inserted into the patient’s rectum. Inside, they dissolve, and the body absorbs them via the rectum’s lining. Usually, a suppository for hemorrhoids includes a combination of medicine, a cream, or an oil.
In most cases, the best hemorrhoid suppositories are the ones you get over-the-counter and prescription-strength versions. This helps alleviate discomfort, pain, swelling, and burning. You can also make homemade suppositories for hemorrhoids. For instance, some individuals find relief from using coconut oil and witch hazel. On the downside, many of these hemorrhoid suppositories do not contain active ingredients for pain and swelling.
If you are experiencing any signs and symptoms outlined in this article or want to consult with the best professionals in the field, book an appointment with Dr. Andrew J. Shapiro or Dr. Kyle S. Eldredge to get started.
Topical vs. a Rectal Suppository
Experts recommend using pastes, ointments, and creams on external hemorrhoids. These topical treatments provide temporary pain relief. Moreover, prescription and over-the-counter treatments for hemorrhoids can ease mild pain, itching, and burning. If you or a loved one have internal hemorrhoids, it is best to use a rectal suppository. As mentioned, the body absorbs the medicine via the rectal tissue.
In most cases, suppositories help ease pain and discomfort associated with internal hemorrhoids. Sometimes, they can also soothe signs and symptoms of external hemorrhoids. You can use a suppository two to four times daily for a maximum of seven days. According to the experts, it is best to insert a rectal suppository after a bowel movement. This way, the effect lasts longer.
How Do You Use a Suppository for Hemorrhoids?
If you are seeking hemorrhoid pain relief, using a suppository may be a great idea. Best of all, using suppositories is easy, and anyone can do it. Just follow the directions provided on the product’s packaging. If you have any doubts or concerns, consult with your healthcare provider or your pharmacist.
Before using a suppository for hemorrhoid pain relief, make sure to clean the area with water and mild soap thoroughly. Rinse well and pat the area dry. Make sure to use the product only in the rectum. Start by unwrapping the rectal suppository and moisten it with some water. This way, the suppository will soften, and insertion will become easier. Next, lie on one side with your other knee bent. Slowly push the suppository into your rectum with a single finger. Lie down for a couple of minutes and refrain from bowel movements for a minimum of one hour.
The dosage may vary depending on the patient’s medical condition and the treatment response. Consult with a professional first to receive expert advice and guidance. Always use suppositories as recommended by your doctor. Do not take them more often than directed.
Talk to a medical professional immediately if your symptoms do not improve in a week or if you experience pain or bleeding.
How Do You Choose the Best Hemorrhoid Suppositories?
There are three main types of suppositories your doctor may recommend for your condition. These include:
- Analgesics and anesthetics: the active ingredient is phenylephrine, and this suppository works by shrinking the blood vessels and temporarily reducing swelling.
- Vasoconstrictors: the active ingredient is pramoxine, which numbs the nerves and provides temporary relief from discomfort and pain.
- Protective: the active ingredient is zinc oxide, and these suppositories work by forming a barrier to protect against tissue irritation.
In some cases, doctors may suggest a prescription-strength suppository or a steroid. The active ingredient is hydrocortisone, and it helps by reducing swelling and itching.
Ask your doctor for the best hemorrhoid suppositories for you. Every patient is different and unique, and what works for someone else may not work for you.
Possible Side Effects of a Rectal Suppository
While suppositories are effective for hemorrhoid pain relief, they may cause side effects in some patients. While adverse effects are highly unlikely when suppositories are used correctly, they may occur. For instance, some individuals may experience the following side effects:
- Bleeding
- Stinging
- Pain
If you notice any discomfort and pain (that gets worse), consult with a pharmacist or a doctor as soon as possible. If you experience any of the following severe side effects, stop using the medicine and consult with an expert:
- Headaches
- Shakiness or tremor
- Irregular or fast heartbeat
- Trouble sleeping
In rare cases, patients may develop an allergic reaction to suppositories. Seek out medical help if you experience:
- Itching and swelling
- Rashes
- Trouble breathing
- Dizziness
Patients with heart problems, diabetes, overactive thyroid, and high blood pressure should let the doctor know before using suppositories.
Home Remedies for Pain Relief
While prescription medicated and over-the-counter suppositories work best for pain relief, some patients prefer using alternative, at-home remedies. Since they do not contain active ingredients for pain, irritation, and swelling, these remedies do not always work for the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, they can provide temporary relief and comfort.
Many patients enjoy using coconut oil suppositories. You can make them by freezing coconut oil in tiny cylinders and placing them into the rectum. Coconut oil has possible anti-inflammatory benefits for discomfort, while the cooled oil gives instant relief.
Keep in mind that this blog is for informational purposes only. If symptoms do not resolve or if they return, seek medical attention as soon as possible at your primary care physician or with our office.
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