Discovering a polyp on your cervix can raise questions and concerns about your reproductive health. Understanding the symptoms of cervical polyps is crucial for early detection and intervention. We will discuss common signs to watch out for, such as irregular bleeding, vaginal discharge, and pelvic pain, enabling you to recognize potential red flags and seek timely medical advice. 

When it comes to treatment, seeking professional guidance is paramount. Our team at Broward Complete OB-GYN Wellness Center is dedicated to providing expert care for cervical polyps. We will explore the best treatment options available, ranging from minimally invasive procedures to surgical removal. If you are seeking the best options, reach out to us for cervical polyps treatment in Plantation, Florida.

That said, read on to discover everything you need to know about cervical polyps.

Understanding the Cervical Polyp

Doctor and Patient Discussing

A cervical polyp is a common benign (non-cancerous) growth that develops in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. It is typically a small, finger-like projection that protrudes into the cervical canal or from the surface of the cervix. While cervical polyps are usually harmless and rarely associated with cancer, they can cause symptoms and discomfort, prompting medical attention.

In a nutshell, there are two different kinds of cervical polyps: endocervical polyps and ectocervical polyps. Let’s briefly analyze them.

Endocervical Polyps:

  • Location: Endocervical polyps develop within the cervical canal, which is the passage that leads from the vagina to the uterus.
  • Appearance: They are typically red or purple in color and have a smooth or velvety surface.
  • Size: Endocervical polyps can vary in size, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

Ectocervical Polyps:

  • Location: Ectocervical polyps develop on the surface of the cervix, protruding into the vagina.
  • Appearance: They often appear pink or red and have a more irregular surface compared to endocervical polyps.
  • Size: Ectocervical polyps can range in size from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters.

It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider if you experience any symptoms or notice an abnormality during your pelvic exam. They can properly evaluate the polyp and determine the best course of action, ensuring your well-being and peace of mind. If you are looking for the best professionals in your area, consider gynecological care in Plantation, Florida.

Is a Polyp on the Cervix Rare or Common?

If you discover that you have a polyp on your cervix, rest assured that you are not alone! Cervical polyps are relatively common among women and individuals assigned female at birth, with prevalence ranging from 2 to 5 percent. While it is difficult to provide an exact figure, this estimate gives us a general understanding of their frequency.

Cervical polyps typically occur more frequently after women pass their reproductive age, which means they are more commonly found in individuals who have already experienced menopause. However, it is important to note that they can still develop in women of reproductive age as well.

Certain factors can increase the likelihood of developing cervical polyps. For instance, individuals with multiple pregnancies, typically two or more children, may have a higher risk of developing these growths. However, it’s essential to remember that cervical polyps can still occur in women or individuals assigned female at birth who have not had children or have only had one child.

Key Cervical Polyps Symptoms to Consider

Cervical polyps can manifest through various symptoms, and it is important to be aware of these signs for early detection and proper medical attention. Here are the four main cervical polyps symptoms to remember:

  • Heavy Menstrual Periods: One common symptom of cervical polyps is experiencing heavier or prolonged menstrual periods. Women or individuals assigned female at birth may notice an increase in blood flow during their periods or find that their periods last longer than usual.
  • Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: Cervical polyps can cause abnormal bleeding outside of the regular menstrual cycle. If you experience cervical polyps symptoms like this, you may bleed between periods. Remember, if you notice any unexpected bleeding that is unrelated to your usual menstrual cycle, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.
  • Bleeding After Intercourse: Another symptom associated with cervical polyps is bleeding after sexual intercourse, known as postcoital bleeding. This can occur due to the sensitivity of the polyp, which may cause it to bleed upon contact during sexual activity. If you experience postcoital bleeding, it is crucial to seek medical advice to identify the underlying cause.
  • Foul-Smelling or Pus-Like Vaginal Discharge: Cervical polyps can sometimes lead to an unusual vaginal discharge. Cervical polyps symptoms like discharge may have a foul odor or appear as a yellow or white color with a pus-like consistency. If you observe any changes in the odor, color, or consistency of your vaginal discharge, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for an evaluation.

It is important to note that these cervical polyps symptoms can also be indicative of other gynecological conditions. Therefore, it is essential to seek proper medical evaluation and diagnosis from a qualified healthcare provider. 

What May Cause Cervical Polyps?

The exact reason why some individuals get cervical polyps remains a mystery. However, there are a few factors that experts believe contribute to their development. Take a look at these three potential causes:

  • Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly estrogen, have been associated with the development of cervical polyps. Estrogen dominance or imbalances in hormone levels can lead to the overgrowth of cervical tissue, resulting in the formation of polyps.
  • Chronic Inflammation: Chronic inflammation of the cervix, known as cervicitis, is considered a potential cause of cervical polyps. Inflammation can lead to the proliferation of abnormal cells and the formation of polyps. Chronic irritation or infection can contribute to cervicitis, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), bacterial infections, or yeast infections.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections: Certain sexually transmitted infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), have been linked to an increased risk of cervical polyps. HPV is a common viral infection transmitted through sexual contact, and certain strains of the virus can cause cellular changes in the cervix, leading to the development of polyps in some cases.

Diagnosis and the Best Cervical Polyp Treatment: Must-Know Info

Doctor and Patient Discussing

The primary method for diagnosing a cervical polyp is through a pelvic examination or Pap test performed by doctors. But, what is the best cervical polyp treatment?

Removing a cervical polyp and treating the condition depends on factors like size, location, and patient characteristics. These are the five cervical polyp treatment types to consider:

  • Polypectomy: The healthcare provider uses a special instrument to remove the polyp from the cervix. It’s a simple outpatient procedure done in a clinic or office.
  • Cryotherapy: This cervical polyp treatment involves freezing the growth with extremely cold temperatures. It’s used for smaller polyps, and a freezing probe makes the polyp detach and fall off.
  • Electrocautery: Burning and removing the polyp using heat from an electrical current. It’s used for larger or hard-to-reach polyps.
  • Laser ablation: Vaporizing or destroying the polyp tissue with laser technology. It’s suitable for larger or complex polyps.

The healthcare provider will choose the best treatment based on the patient’s situation and medical history.

Reducing My Risks: What Can You Do?

The most effective way to reduce the risk of developing these growths is to prioritize practices that help prevent infections in the cervix. This can be achieved by consistently using condoms during sexual activity or by choosing to abstain from sexual intercourse altogether. 

Give Us a Call Today

If you are concerned about the possibility of having this condition and are seeking diagnosis and treatment, take action today by reaching out to a trusted healthcare provider. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with Broward Complete OB-GYN Wellness Center and take control of your well-being.