What a transformative and joyous experience it is to bring a new life into the world. Nevertheless, for some women, this life milestone can be fraught with challenges due to a high-risk pregnancy. In this blogpost, we will talk in greater detail about high-risk pregnancies, exploring what is a high-risk pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy symptoms, and how to ensure a healthy pregnancy journey despite these challenges.

Finding an experienced obstetrician in Plantation, Florida might be a challenge for some, but you do not have to worry. Broward Complete OBGYN Wellness Center is fully equipped and staffed with some of the most prominent experts in the field, so exploring your options and making an informed decision just became a lot easier. 

What is a High-Risk Pregnancy?

A high-risk pregnancy is characterized by an elevated probability of complications for either the expectant mother, the developing fetus, or both. Various factors contribute to the classification of a pregnancy as high-risk, necessitating careful monitoring and specialized care. These factors can include pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, high-risk pregnancy age (especially pregnancies in teenagers or women over 35), multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.), and a history of complications in previous pregnancies. 

The designation of a high-risk pregnancy is not meant to instill fear but rather to prompt proactive and vigilant medical attention. Recognizing and understanding these risk factors early on allows healthcare providers to tailor their approach, providing expectant mothers with the necessary support and interventions to optimize the chances of a healthy pregnancy and successful delivery and to implement appropriate measures.

High-Risk Pregnancy Symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy is paramount for early intervention. Here is an extensive list of potential high-risk pregnancy symptoms: 

  • Persistent Abdominal Pain: Unexplained or severe abdominal pain that persists over time may signal potential complications in a high-risk pregnancy.
  • Severe Headaches: Intense and persistent headaches, especially if accompanied by visual disturbances, can be indicative of conditions like preeclampsia.
  • Swelling of Extremities: Excessive swelling in the hands, feet, or face may be a symptom of fluid retention, which can be associated with certain high-risk pregnancy conditions.
  • Changes in Vision: Blurred vision, sensitivity to light, or other alterations in eyesight could be warning signs of conditions such as gestational hypertension.
  • Excessive Nausea and Vomiting: While morning sickness is common in pregnancy, excessive or severe nausea and vomiting may require medical attention, particularly in high-risk pregnancies.
  • Reduced Fetal Movement: A noticeable decrease in fetal movements should be promptly reported to healthcare providers, as it may indicate potential issues with the baby’s well-being.
  • High Blood Pressure: Monitoring blood pressure is crucial, as elevated levels can contribute to complications like preeclampsia in high-risk pregnancies.
  • Vaginal Bleeding: Any amount of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be investigated, as it can be a sign of complications such as placental abruption or preterm labor.
  • Preterm Contractions: Regular contractions before the 37th week of pregnancy can be a symptom of preterm labor, a significant concern in high-risk pregnancies.
  • Excessive Weight Gain or Loss: Drastic changes in weight, whether gain or loss, may be indicative of underlying issues and should be discussed with healthcare providers.
  • Gestational Diabetes Symptoms: Symptoms such as increased thirst, frequent urination, and extreme fatigue may indicate gestational diabetes, especially in high-risk pregnancies.
  • Presence of Pre-existing Health Conditions: For women with pre-existing health conditions like diabetes or autoimmune disorders, the exacerbation of symptoms during pregnancy should be monitored closely.
  • History of Complications in Previous Pregnancies: Women with a history of complications in previous pregnancies, such as preterm birth or gestational hypertension, are at a higher risk and should be closely monitored for recurring issues.
  • Infections or Illness: Any signs of infections or illnesses during pregnancy should be promptly addressed, as they can pose additional risks in high-risk pregnancies.
  • Emotional or Mental Health Changes: Emotional distress or significant changes in mental health should not be overlooked, as they can impact the overall well-being of both the mother and the baby in a high-risk pregnancy.

Age and High-Risk Pregnancies

As mentioned previously, maternal age is a critical factor influencing the dynamics of pregnancy, and it plays a pivotal role in categorizing pregnancies as high-risk. Both advanced and adolescent maternal ages are associated with unique challenges. Teenage pregnancies, characterized by mothers aged 19 or younger, may face increased risks due to underdeveloped pelvises, limited prenatal care, and heightened susceptibility to conditions like preeclampsia. 

Conversely, pregnancies in women over 35, often termed advanced maternal age, are linked to a higher incidence of chromosomal abnormalities and a greater likelihood of complications such as gestational diabetes and hypertension. While age alone does not determine the outcome of a pregnancy, it serves as a crucial consideration for healthcare providers. 

Close monitoring, early interventions, and a personalized approach to care become imperative for both younger and older expectant mothers to mitigate potential risks and ensure a healthy pregnancy journey.

Navigating Challenges

Here are some of the most important steps to take into consideration when it comes to navigating the challenges of a high-risk pregnancy. 

  • Early Prenatal Care: Initiating prenatal care early in pregnancy is crucial for managing and mitigating the risks associated with high-risk pregnancies. Regular check-ups allow healthcare providers to monitor the mother and baby closely, addressing any emerging issues promptly.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: For women facing a high-risk pregnancy, certain lifestyle modifications can significantly impact outcomes. These may include dietary changes, maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise tailored to pregnancy, and abstaining from harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol. These adjustments contribute to overall well-being and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Medical Interventions: In some cases, medical interventions may be necessary to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby. These interventions can range from medications to surgical procedures, and the decision is made based on the specific circumstances of each high-risk pregnancy. 

It is essential for expectant mothers to have open and informed discussions with their healthcare providers to make the best decisions for their unique situations. Please do not make any decisions without consulting your chosen healthcare provider, because guidance and proper medical advice is crucial expecting mothers whose pregnancy is deemed high-risk. 


While navigating a high-risk pregnancy may pose additional challenges, proactive measures, timely interventions, and a collaborative approach with healthcare providers can significantly contribute to a healthy pregnancy journey. 

By understanding the criteria for high-risk pregnancies, recognizing symptoms, and implementing appropriate strategies, expectant mothers can increase the likelihood of a positive outcome for both themselves and their precious new arrivals.

Having support and guidance is crucial during any pregnancy, especially if it is seen as high-risk. Our clinic is here for you if you need any advice and help, so do not hesitate to contact us and get timely advice. Our expert team has plenty of experience and you can count on us. Call us today!