Most women know that taking birth control pills has one significant advantage: it helps with family planning or, in other words, helps avoid pregnancies if a couple isn’t ready yet to become parents. 

Still, ask any expert in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in South Miami, Florida, and they will tell women that other birth control advantages might not be that obvious for those considering taking these pills for the first time.

As such, here are a few other reasons to get on birth control apart from pregnancy prevention. And if you have any questions after reading the article, you can always contact us to learn more about the benefits of birth control. 

Birth Control Advantages – Overview

As mentioned above, birth control pills can have several other benefits besides obvious pregnancy protection. In some cases, these pills can make women experience less painful but more regular periods. 

Additionally, these hormonal compounds may help clear up your skin and even lower the risk of developing some malignancies. 

And while most users obviously use these pills to avoid unplanned pregnancies, a considerable amount of women take these pills for other reasons entirely, and there are a pretty massive number of users who use these pills not just for pregnancy prevention but for some other benefits mentioned above. 

The Benefits of Birth Control

So, without further ado, here are some other reasons to get on birth control apart from preventing pregnancies. 

Oral Contraceptive Pill Blister Pack in Pocket of Ripped Denim Shorts, Bra, Cotton

Birth Control Can Help With Regular Periods

Experts agree that birth control pills can help women regulate their periods, so they can plan ahead, as they will know precisely when it’s coming. Traditional pills for birth control will usually contain progestin and estrogen, similar to the hormones the ovaries produce. When women take these “active” hormonal pills for a total of three weeks, followed by a week of taking “inactive” pills, they will get their period during this fourth “inactive” week.

Furthermore, newer options for birth control pills enable women to choose how they would like to control their period in ways that are most appropriate for their lifestyles. To that end, not only do these pills help with regular periods, but they may even make the periods shorter. More specifically, some brands come with 24 active pills and four inactive pills. 

There are also birth control options that can be taken for three months, and only then will women need to take a break. In these cases, users will have a total of four periods per year if taken correctly. 

On the other hand, there are also options out there that can help avoid your period altogether, especially at busy times. Also, there are the so-called minipills that can make the period lighter or even stop it. These are taken every day for a total of 28 days. 

Help With Menstrual Cramps, Anemia, and PMS

Birth control advantages also include lowering the risk of heavy menstrual bleeding, as they prevent ovulation and thinning out the uterine lining. Lighter periods also help reduce the risk of iron deficiency (anemia), which can often occur due to heavy bleeding. Furthermore, birth control can help with menstrual cramps as well by preventing ovulation and lightening your period. 

Among the reasons to get on birth control, many experts state that birth control may help ease the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), such as breast soreness, mood swings, bloating acne, and weight gain, by evening out the hormone levels during cycles. A more balanced hormonal system can also mean milder menstrual-related migraines in some cases. 

Preventing Unwanted Hair Growth and Clearer Skin

These are also among the better-known birth control advantages. Taking these hormonal compounds can help with unwanted hair growth in the body’s midline by reducing overall male hormone production. This is especially handy in cases where women naturally have higher levels of male hormones and start growing hair under their chin, above the lip, between the belly button and the pubic bone, the inner thigh, and between the breasts. Typically, these women will be able to see less of that unwanted hair in about six months. 

Another birth control benefit would be the fact that these pills can stop acne formation; however, in some cases, seeing a profound difference will take several months. 

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Management

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a relatively widespread condition, especially among young women and teens. It is a hormone imbalance in which the ovaries produce excessive amounts of testosterone, causing acne, unwanted hair growth, and irregular periods. As in the other cases mentioned above, birth control pills can help improve these symptoms as they can balance out a woman’s hormone levels, lowering testosterone in the process and regulating periods. 

Preventing Ovarian Cysts and Helping Relieve the Symptoms of Endometriosis

Women with endometriosis have their uterine lining growing on the outside of the organ. This can lead to painful menstrual cramping and painful periods altogether. While taking birth control won’t cure the issue, it will help with the pain by helping you control your periods. 

On the topic of ovarian cysts, not only can birth control prevent ovarian cyst development, but it may also stop them from coming back.

Young Woman Suffering From Pain at Home

Birth Control Pills May Lower Cancer Risks

While taking birth control may increase the chances of getting certain malignancies, it can still lower the chance of developing others. 

According to some expert estimates, taking birth control pills can mean 30% to 50% less chance of developing ovarian cancer compared to those who have never taken these pills. The longer women use these pills, the less chance they have of developing ovarian cancer. Also, the lowered risks last up to three decades after one stops taking the pill. 

Furthermore, the scientific community suggests that birth control pills may also lower the risks associated with endometrial cancer development when compared to those who have never taken them. Typically, it reduces the odds of developing this type of malignancy by around 30%. Just like in the case of ovarian cancer, the longer the woman takes the pill, the lower the chances of endometrial cancer. Lastly, a growing body of evidence suggests that birth control may help minimize the risks of developing colorectal cancer. 

Reach Out to Learn More

As you can see, there are several reasons to get on birth control apart from pregnancy protection. Still, before opting for birth control pills, it’s essential to consult an expert healthcare provider because these pills might not be the best birth control method for you. Also, you shouldn’t forget that birth control pills don’t provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

That said, if you have questions and/or concerns regarding birth control pills and the best birth control method for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and schedule an appointment with our expert and compassionate staff.