When your baby becomes a toddler, the new movement can provide new opportunities for safety issues. Learning what to watch out for is vital. Here, we provide you with six toddler safety tips to keep in mind.
Toddler Safety Tips For You
Each of these provides a shift in your mindset from when your child was less mobile. At Carithers Pediatric Group, we are here to help you as your child develops and changes. These six tips are a great way to start thinking about what you need to consider in your routine.
Keep All Medicine and Cleaning Products Out Of Reach
A significant concern for all parents of toddlers is poisoning. Medicine and cleaning products can be two of the most dangerous. Children are exploring and always putting things in their mouths. These are two items that parents should store in a place they cannot access. One tip from Golisano Children’s Hospital is to never refer to medicine as candy in front of toddlers, as it may make them more inclined to try to taste it.
Be Cautious Of Children In The Kitchen
The kitchen provides ample opportunity for children to harm themselves. From the extreme of the oven and stove to the variety of sharp objects, it can seem impossible to take your eye off of them in here. Ensuring the space is childproofed can take some of that worry away. Keep the oven and stove off when it is not in use, and be cautious of where children are when you are cooking. Parents should locate sharp objects high enough or inaccessible for toddlers.
Be Aware Of Situations That Could Cause Falls
While toddlers start to walk, they are still often unsteady on their feet. This can lead to some areas of the home becoming more dangerous. Spaces that lead to stairs or windows should be managed and childproofed. Even rugs can become slippery, and it is helpful to put skid-proof mats under the ones around the house.
Be Vigilant Of What Is Entering A Child’s Mouth
As we explained with the medicine and cleaning products, children will put anything in their mouth. While poisoning is one concern, choking is another to consider. Pay attention to the size and consistency of the foods you feed a toddler. Age recommendations on food are there for a reason, as giving certain ones before that time could be a choking hazard or potentially block the airway.
Childproof Your Home From The Beginning
Making sure your home is childproofed for toddler safety can take some of the immense worries off of you. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has put together a list of 12 safety devices used to protect your children here. This is a great place to start if it seems overwhelming to think of everything in the home.
Be Cautious Of A Child’s Access To Water
Access to water can become life-threatening for a toddler. If they do not know how to swim, there is a significant possibility of a young child drowning. Whether you have a pool or even a bathtub, young children can drown in a minimal amount of water. Toddlers should never be left alone with water.
Having a toddler comes with immense joy and pride; however, this age of exploration can leave you with concerns. Toddler safety comes with a lot of responsibility, but these tips are intended to give you more knowledge on what could be deemed unsafe. Do you have concerns about your toddler’s safety? Find resources through our website or give us a call to talk through your concerns with a medical professional.