About Birth Control Implants

Contraceptive implants or birth control arm implants are flexible and tiny, rod-like devices that healthcare providers insert under the inner arm’s skin, releasing a steady progestin dose into the bloodstream and preventing pregnancy for a total of three years. Usually, people refer to this type of birth control by its brand name, Nexplanon, and it is among the most effective birth control types available. 

How effective is a birth control implant, how long does implant birth control last, and what are the side effects? Our experts in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology in South Miami, Florida, have created this blog post to answer all your valid questions and concerns. 

How Do Birth Control Implants Work?

Gynecologist Hormonal Contraception Implant for Hormonal Contraception

To begin with, the typical size of the implant isn’t longer than 1.6 inches, and its diameter is usually about one-eighth of an inch. The device itself is flexible and typically resembles a matchstick.  

As mentioned above, the implant delivers a gradual and consistent supply of progestin, a hormone, into your system. Progestin serves multiple functions: it inhibits the release of an egg from your ovary, known as ovulation; it also thickens the cervical mucus, creating a barrier that makes it challenging for sperm to reach an egg in the unlikely event that ovulation occurs. Additionally, progestin has the effect of thinning your uterine lining, which makes it less conducive for a fertilized egg to successfully implant.

Women might wonder just how effective a birth control implant is. As a matter of fact, birth control arm implants are one of the most effective contraceptive options, right next to IUDs, with studies showing 99% effectiveness. 

Birth Control Arm Implant Insertion

Doctors will usually implant the device in their office by following the steps below:

  • They will ask the woman to lie down with one of their arms bent like the letter “L” at their elbow.
  • Then, they will numb the inner arm’s skin with a local anesthetic.
  • Typically, the implant will go into the non-dominant arm.
  • The implant is inserted under the skin with the help of a special device that looks like a needle.
  • No stitches are required, but a bandage may be given to help with bruising.
  • The entire procedure takes a couple of minutes. 

Implant Removal

A healthcare provider is responsible for the removal of the birth control implant. While the contraceptive implant is presently approved for a three-year duration, there is evidence suggesting its effectiveness for up to five years. Removing the contraceptive implant is available at any time after its insertion, depending on the individual’s preference. It is advisable to discuss the timing of removal with the healthcare provider.

The removal procedure entails the healthcare provider making a small incision in the patient’s skin and extracting the implant. To ensure a pain-free experience, the provider will administer local anesthesia to numb the patient’s arm before proceeding with the removal process.

  • Again, the doctor will numb the area with anesthetics.
  • They will then make a small incision in the area and, with small tweezers or forceps, remove the implant.
  • Again, a bandage will be applied.
  • This procedure will also take only a few minutes.

Women should never try removing their implants on their own. This should be reserved for trained doctors. 

More Details About Birth Control Arm Implants

The implant shouldn’t hurt, but it might feel uncomfortable after insertion. Also, it’s vital to know that experts may insert the implant at any point in a woman’s cycle. When inserted during the beginning of a cycle (typically within the first five days), it will be immediately effective against pregnancy; if not, condoms should be used for up to a week. 

Birth Control Implant Side Effects

As of now, there aren’t any prevalent birth control implant side effects. Most discomfort will usually fade off within a few months. Still, some women report potential birth control implant side effects such as: 

  • Acne
  • Headaches
  • Mood Swings
  • Changes in normal menstrual bleeding and spotting
  • Headaches

Women should remember that if they are experiencing any highly uncomfortable side effects due to the implant, their provider can remove it whenever they like. 

Birth Control Implants: Pros And Cons

Before opting for the implantation of the device, women need to weigh all their options. There are certain disadvantages and advantages to birth control arm implants, and the benefits and risks should be discussed with a doctor.

That said, here are the potential advantages of these devices:

  • They are hidden; nobody can see them.
  • It does not interfere with intimacy and sexual spontaneity.
  • It’s approved for three years but may be usable even for longer.
  • Little to no maintenance (taking pills or changing them).
  • It’s safe to take for women who are unable to use estrogen-based options.
  • It may reduce heavy menstrual bleeding,
  • It can be used during breastfeeding.
  • Women can get pregnant right after they remove the implant.

Possible drawbacks of birth control arm implants:

  • Users may experience side effects (temporary)
  • Insertion and removal must be performed by a trained expert.
  • Periods may become lighter, longer, irregular, heavier, or shorter.
  • It might worsen acne.
  • It offers no protection against STIs or sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • It may interfere with specific antibiotics and meds.
  • The implant site may become infected in rare cases. 

Is The Implant a Superior Choice Compared to The Pill?

Doctor Try to Use Contraceptive Implant on Woman Arm

The birth control implant offers a higher level of effectiveness in preventing pregnancy when compared to the pill. The primary reason for this heightened effectiveness is that you don’t need to remember to take the implant daily, as you do with a pill. However, it’s worth noting that the most effective birth control method is the one that you consistently and correctly use. While some individuals may prefer the daily routine of taking a birth control pill, others find the convenience of an implant more appealing. Various factors can influence the birth control method recommended by your healthcare provider. Therefore, it is crucial to have a comprehensive discussion about your options with your provider.

Weigh Your Options

A contraceptive implant, also known as a birth control implant, is an extremely effective contraceptive method that a healthcare provider inserts under the skin. This implant gradually releases progestin into the bloodstream, providing protection against pregnancy for a period of up to three years. Many individuals find the implant appealing due to its convenience and minimal maintenance requirements. Nonetheless, it’s important to note that the implant may not suit everyone. 

It’s advisable to have a conversation with your healthcare provider to explore both the advantages and potential risks associated with the implant. Together, you and your provider can make an informed decision to determine if this birth control method aligns with your individual needs and preferences.

That being said, feel free to reach out to our compassionate staff to learn more about your options regarding contraceptives. Schedule an appointment with us today.