Diagnostic radiology is a branch of medicine that uses noninvasive scanning of the body’s interior to establish a diagnosis. Our clinic is equipped with modern devices that use very low doses of radiation during scanning
A standard x-ray device can provide scans of bones, joints, lungs, belly, and various contrast scans. Other scanners include ultrasound and mammography, while the more advanced devices are CT scanners and MR scanners.
MR Diagnostics
Magnet resonance (MR) is an imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radio wave energy impulses to create an image of organs, tissue, and inner-body structures. MR offers a different perspective of information than x-ray devices, ultrasound, or CT scanners. Using an MR scanner we can discover conditions that would be difficult or impossible to detect by using other methods. The part of the body that undergoes MR scanning is placed inside a special machine that uses a large magnet. Images provided can be saved on a computer if necessary. They can also be used in an operating room during operation. Scanning some regions of the body may require contrast agents (or contrast mediums) – substances that can absorb x-rays to make the image more clear and visible. The whole procedure is completely painless and lasts about an hour.
Pelvic MRI
During a Pelvic MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), magnets and radio waves are used to capture images of the area between the hip bones to inspect the bladder, reproductive organs, lymph nodes, and pelvic bones. The imaging test is performed to examine potential problems found in other imaging tests such as x-rays; diagnose unexplained hip pain; investigate the spread of certain cancers; or better understand the conditions causing your symptoms.
Bone Density
The bone densitometry test is like an x-ray that quickly and accurately measures the density of bone. It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, which is a disease that causes bones to become more fragile and are more likely to break. A bone density test enhances the accuracy of calculating your risk of breaking bones.