Topline MD

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So far Topline MD has created 103 blog entries.

The Difference Between Obstetrics & Gynecology


Chances are, you’ve heard the term OB/GYN countless times, and for most of us, it feels almost natural to assume both these terms cover the same areas of expertise. Still, there are some clear differences between obstetrics and gynecology, and knowing them can help you find the kind of medical assistance you need the most.  [...]

The Difference Between Obstetrics & Gynecology2023-04-28T12:53:51+00:00

What to Expect at Your First Gynecology Exam?


The thought of the first gynecology appointment may induce stressful feelings in most women and younger girls, and being a bit anxious is nothing out of the ordinary. It's the fear of the unfamiliar, but with the proper research and approach, you can find answers to the most prominent questions, whether you are looking for [...]

What to Expect at Your First Gynecology Exam?2023-04-28T12:40:22+00:00

What Are Ovarian Masses and How To Treat Them


Ovarian masses, or ovarian cysts, are prevalent masses (growths) that develop inside a woman’s ovaries. There can be several types, but fortunately, we’re talking about benign ovarian masses. Most of them will even resolve on their own without any treatment. Rarely, they may lead to complications and may need medical attention. In this article, our [...]

What Are Ovarian Masses and How To Treat Them2023-04-04T12:58:06+00:00

The Connection Between Endometriosis and Infertility


Essentially, endometriosis can be best described as a condition where tissue resembling the uterine lining grows on the organ’s outer side. The additional tissue growth may lead to severe pelvic pain. In some cases, it can develop near a woman’s first menstrual period and may last until menopuase. When it comes to endometriosis and female [...]

The Connection Between Endometriosis and Infertility2023-04-04T12:43:26+00:00

STD & Pregnancy: How Does It Affect Unborn Child


Prenatal and obstetric care are essential cornerstones of a healthy pregnancy. All women who plan to become mothers should attend these medical sessions to learn about the fundamental processes of a healthy pregnancy and receive the necessary testing and screening to assess their overall health and the health of their potential pregnancy. Typically, the best [...]

STD & Pregnancy: How Does It Affect Unborn Child2023-03-08T15:05:48+00:00

Dealing with Infertility: Support and Resources for Women


Infertility stress can indeed be a major concern, and coping with infertility is a real challenge that, unfortunately, many people face. Research has also shown that the psychological burden that infertile people experience is similar to those who cope with chronic pain and other conditions such as HIV or cancer. Additionally, studies have concluded that [...]

Dealing with Infertility: Support and Resources for Women2023-04-04T12:34:35+00:00

Types of Hysterectomy: Understanding the Differences


The process of removing the uterus is referred to as a hysterectomy in the medical field. The surgical intervention often also involves the removal of the cervix. Depending on the underlying reason for the surgery, surgeons may also remove some of the surrounding tissues and organs, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. What are [...]

Types of Hysterectomy: Understanding the Differences2023-03-08T14:59:17+00:00

Treating Menopause with HRT


HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, is a method of treating menopuase symptoms. Generally, the patient's age, personal and family medical history, and the severity of their symptoms are all considered before beginning an HRT regimen.  If you suspect that you might benefit from hormone replacement therapy, feel free to schedule an appointment with our experts [...]

Treating Menopause with HRT2023-04-04T12:23:06+00:00

Genital Lesions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Genital sores are typically slow-healing ulcers and lesions originating from the genital area. More specifically, they can occur in the vagina's outer part, or the vulva, the anus, and in the case of males, the penis. The lesions may also appear on the skin that's near these areas. Typically, these vaginal sores develop because of [...]

Genital Lesions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment2023-03-08T14:50:31+00:00

Fibroids and Fertility: What You Need to Know


Leiomyomas or uterine fibroids are typically benign (noncancerous) growths from connective tissue and muscle from the uterus wall, the pear-shaped organ the size of a lemon inside a woman’s pelvis. This is where babies develop during pregnancy.  The fibroids themselves will usually be small, around 1mm, but they can be as large as 8 inches [...]

Fibroids and Fertility: What You Need to Know2023-03-08T14:23:44+00:00
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