When it comes to bottle feeding your newborn, there are a few things you need to know in order to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for both you and your little one. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything from choosing the right bottle and formula to ensuring that your baby is getting the proper nutrition. So, whether you are a first-time parent or simply need a refresher, read on for our complete guide to bottle feeding newborn.

Choosing the Right Bottle and Formula

The first step is choosing the right bottle and formula. When it comes to bottle feeding newborn babies, there are a variety of bottle options available on the market, so it is important to find one that is comfortable for both you and your baby to use. You may also want to consider bottles that are specifically designed for newborns, as these often have softer nipples that are easier for them to latch onto.

As far as formula goes, there are two main types: cow’s milk-based and soy-based. If you are unsure of which type to choose, your baby’s pediatrician can help you make the best decision for your little one.

Preparing the Bottle

Once you have chosen the right bottle and formula, it is time to prepare the bottle. The first thing you will need to do is wash your hands and make sure that all of the supplies you will be using are clean. You should also know how to sanitize baby bottles properly.

Next, pour the desired amount of formula into the bottle. You will then need to add some boiled water to the bottle in order to cool it down to a reasonable temperature for your baby. Be sure not to add too much water, as this can make the formula too diluted and not provide your baby with the nutrients they need.

Finally, insert the nipple into the bottle and screw on the cap. Be sure to shake the bottle well before feeding it to your baby in order to make sure that the formula is properly mixed.

Feeding Your Baby

Baby Drinks Milk From a Bottle and Looks at Camera

How to bottle feed a newborn? Once you have prepared the bottle, it is time to feed your baby. Hold the bottle in a vertical position and gently position your baby’s mouth around the nipple. You may need to help them latch on by pressing down their chin with your finger.

Once they are latched on, begin to slowly pour the formula into their mouth. Be sure not to let them drink too quickly, as this can cause them to choke or get gassy. You will know they are drinking at the right pace if you see their cheeks moving in a rhythmic pattern.

If your baby starts to cry or shows signs of discomfort, take a break and try again in a few minutes. It is also important to burp your baby frequently during and after feedings in order to prevent them from getting gassy.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your baby won’t stay on the formula for long. After a couple of months, you should start the weaning off formula process.

Cleaning Up

Knowing how to bottle feed a newborn isn’t enough. You’ll need to learn to clean up properly as well. Once your baby is finished eating, it is time to clean up. Start by washing their face and hands with a wet cloth or baby wipe. Then, remove the nipple from the bottle and rinse it off with warm water. Finally, disassemble the bottle and wash all of the components in warm, soapy water. Allow them to air dry before putting them back together.

When do babies stop drinking formula is another question that will keep you wondering. While that depends on a baby, there is a time frame you can loosely rely on.

How To Sanitize Baby Bottles

It is important to sanitize your baby bottles on a regular basis in order to prevent the growth of bacteria. There are a few different ways you can sanitize your bottles, but one of the most effective methods is using a dishwasher. Simply place the bottles and nipples on the top rack of your dishwasher and run it on the hot cycle.

You can also sanitize your bottles by boiling them in water for 5 minutes. Be sure to let them cool completely before using them.

If you are using a bottle warmer, be sure to clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

When Do Babies Stop Drinking Formula?

Most babies will stop drinking formula between 6 and 12 months old. However, every baby is different and some may continue to drink formula until they are 2 or 3 years old. As soon as you notice you should start weaning off formula, talk to an obstetrician in Doral, FL. If you have any questions about when your baby should stop drinking formula, be sure to talk to them about it as well.

Tips for Successful Bottle Feeding Newborn Babies

You can do a few things to make bottle feeding successful for you and your baby. Once you’ve learned how to sanitize baby bottles, you can start feeding your baby. There are plenty of tips to make this simple and successful. Here is how to bottle feed a newborn successfully:

  • Make sure that you always have a clean bottle and nipple ready when your baby gets hungry. This will help minimize the amount of time you spend preparing a bottle.
  • Try to feed your baby on a schedule to get the right amount of food at each feeding. This will also help you keep track of how much they are eating and if they seem to be hungry more often than usual.
  • Always burp your baby after feeding in order to prevent them from getting gassy. You can do this by holding them upright for a few minutes or patting their back while they are in your lap.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions on the package of the formula you’re using carefully. This will help ensure that your baby is getting the nutrients they need.
  • If you are having trouble getting your baby to take a bottle, try using a different nipple or giving them a pacifier after they have eaten. This can help them learn to accept the bottle. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Dr. Paez in Miami for more advice if your baby is still not accepting the bottle.
  • Be patient and try not to get frustrated if your baby doesn’t take to bottle feeding right away. It can sometimes take a few tries before they get the hang of it. Make sure to notice when it’s time you started weaning off the formula.
  • Lastly, enjoy this special time with your baby and savor every moment!

What To Do When Newborn Falls Asleep While Bottle Feeding?

What To Do When Newborn Falls Asleep While Bottle Feeding

Your first baby will make you wonder about everything. If you feel lost, worry not, there is a solution for every problem.

If your newborn falls asleep while bottle feeding, you may be wondering what to do. Do you wake them up and finish the bottle or let them sleep? Here are a few things to consider:

  • If your baby is hungry, it is best to wake them up and finish the bottle. This will ensure that they are getting the nutrition they need.
  • If your baby is not hungry, you can let them sleep. However, be sure to burp them before putting them down for a nap.
  • If you are not sure if your baby is hungry or not, you can try offering the bottle again in an hour or so. This will give them time to wake up if they are hungry.
  • If your baby is fussy or in pain, the newborn falls asleep while bottle feeding because it may be colicky. This is a condition that causes babies to cry for long periods of time for no apparent reason. If you think your baby may be colicky, speak with your pediatrician.
  • Lastly, maybe you have found the answer to the question of when do babies stop drinking formula and this is what your baby is telling you.


Feeding your newborn can be a challenge, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to bond with your baby. Use these tips to help make bottle feeding a success for both you and your little one. And remember, be patient and enjoy this special time!

Have you had success feeding your baby using these tips? Feel free to call (305) 665-1133 for advice and book your next appointment with our pediatricians. If you’re still having trouble, you can always talk to one of our friendly experts.