
A hysteroscopy is a way for the doctor to examine the lining of your uterus. It is done with a hysteroscope which is a tool equipped with a light and camera used to view your endometrium (your uterine lining) on a TV screen. There exists two type of hysteroscopy: diagnostic and operative. The first kind is made in order to evaluate and assess abnormalities in your uterus while the second one can be done to correct these faults. This procedure can be done at the same time as the diagnostic hysteroscopy in order to save both the professional and the patient time and effort.

There are various reasons why your physician wants you to undergo this procedure:

  • Evaluate for endometrial Cancer.
  • Remove problems or abnormalities in your uterus that can be dangerous to your health or your reproductive organs.
  • Determine the source of internal bleeding or severe cramps.
  • Install a contraceptive implant.
  • Determine if your fallopian tubes are blocked.
  • Remove polyps or fibroids which are non-cancerous growths.
  • Evaluate if you have a uterus malformation
  • Determine the source of several previous miscarriages.

In order to prepare as a patient, one should advise the doctor if:

  • You are or might be pregnant.
  • You are taking any medication.
  • You have any allergies.
  • You are taking blood thinners or are prone to bleed a lot. (This allows your physician to evaluate the risk of hemorrhage during the operation if there is one.)
  • You have any medical problems.
  • You should not douche or use vaginal medication or use tampons 24 hours before the procedure.

Remember that your MD should thoroughly explain the hysteroscopy to you and that you are allowed at any time before it to change your mind or to ask questions.