Pregnancy can be a beautiful time filled with wonder, excitement, and love. It’s an opportunity for you and your partner to bond as you share this miraculous experience. Yet, it can also prompt some questions, particularly if it’s safe to have sex while pregnant. While the short answer is yes, there are a few tips to enjoy safe sex during pregnancy to promote a healthy and positive outcome.

At South Miami OB-GYN Associates, we understand the impact education and insight can have on your relationship with your partner or spouse, as well as your emotional well-being. Our mission is to empower you with knowledge so you can make the best decisions for your health and longevity, both during your pregnancy and after. If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, contact your obstetrician in South Miami and Doral today.


Is It Safe to Have Sex While Pregnant?

It’s natural to have some concerns about having safe sex during pregnancy. However, the amniotic fluid in your womb surrounds the fetus, and the strong uterine muscles work to protect the developing fetus. This natural protection makes sex during pregnancy entirely safe for most women. 

It’s important to note that women with complications like preterm labor, problems with the placenta, or a previous history of miscarriage should speak with their OB-GYN before having sex during pregnancy. In these cases, your physician may recommend avoiding sex while pregnant during specific time periods of your pregnancy. 

How Pregnancy Affects Sex Drive

Close Up Of Same Sex Couple With Woman Holding Pregnant Partners Stomach At Home

So, you can have sex—but will you want to? It is entirely normal to experience changes in energy levels and mood due to pregnancy hormones which can directly affect your sex drive. For some women, the changes are more pronounced during the first trimester. During the course of your pregnancy, as your baby grows and your body continues to change, you may continue to experience those changes. For some women, the baby bump is empowering, and for others, the changes in their bodies make them self-conscious, which may inhibit their interest in having sex.

Feeling self-conscious? Experiencing low-sex drive? It’s important to practice self-compassion and communicate your needs with your partner. If sex while pregnant isn’t on the table, there are many other ways, besides intercourse, to achieve intimacy. 

Here are 5 non-sexual ways to bond with your partner:

  • Massages
  • Cuddling
  • Kissing
  • Holding hands
  • Affectionate touching

Benefits of Having Intercourse During Pregnancy

It’s also normal during pregnancy to have times when you feel down or low in energy. The good news is that intercourse during pregnancy offers more than just the feel-good release—it also provides health-boosting physiological benefits. These benefits can improve your mood and keep you—and your baby—healthy and strong.

The 5 top benefits of having sex while pregnant:

  • Reduces any physical discomfort
  • Help facilitate labor when it’s time
  • Burns calories and promotes physical fitness
  • Facilitates bonding and intimacy between partners
  • Releases endorphins that keep mom and baby happy

Pregnancy Sex Tips: Frequently-Asked Questions

While we’ve covered some basics about having intercourse during pregnancy, you may have some specific questions. Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions about tips for pregnancy safe sex.

Are There Tips for Safe Sex During Pregnancy?

Tips for sex during pregnancy depend on your situation. However, there are a few things you can keep in mind regarding positioning and practices for safe sex during pregnancy to ensure a positive experience. 

Tips for safe sex during pregnancy to keep in mind:

  • All forms of sex and positions are okay as long as you are comfortable.
  • Use a condom if you are not in a mutually monogamous relationship.
  • Use a condom if you’re having sex while pregnant with a new partner.
  • Clean all toys thoroughly with soap and water after each use. 
  • Avoid sex and get tested if you or your partner have or are suspected of having any form of STI; sexual infections can be hazardous to a developing fetus.

Can Sex During Pregnancy Cause Labor?

Your body will go into labor when it is ready to deliver. What that means is that sex does not cause your body to go into labor before your body is ready. 

On the other hand, if you’re in full or past-term—meaning that your body is ready to deliver— sex can help induce labor. The contractions that occur post-orgasm and the release of oxytocin from physical stimulation can prime the body and help expedite the birthing process. 

Are There Times When Sex During Pregnancy is Not Ok?

While sex during pregnancy is generally safe, there are times when your OB-GYN will recommend that you abstain. 

Here are a few situations where your OB may recommend that you abstain from sex:

    • You’re leaking amniotic fluid
    • You have a history of preterm labor or premature birth
    • You have a history of miscarriage
    • You’re experiencing unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge
    • Your partner has been recently diagnosed with an STI
    • You’ve recently been diagnosed with an STI
    • If you have an incompetent or dilated cervix
    • You’re carrying multiples

Can I Get an STI If I Have Sex While Pregnant?

If your partner has an STI, it can still be transmitted to you, even if you’re pregnant. Pregnancy does not provide you or your developing fetus any protection. If you suspect that you or your partner has an STI, be sure to use a condom and schedule an appointment immediately with your OB-GYN in South Miami or Downtown Doral to discuss the risk factors.

Will Sex During Pregnancy Feel Different?

If this is your first pregnancy, you will likely notice that sex will feel different. This is normal. Hormones will activate and generate more blood flow to your sexual organs, causing your libido to spike. This can make sex during pregnancy even more enjoyable. 

Simultaneously, you may also experience some discomfort. Sore breasts and nausea are common, particularly during your first trimester, and your energy may be lower than usual. Additionally, the hormones in your partner’s sperm can cause mild cramps, as can the contractions from orgasm. If sex is uncomfortable, try a different position. If you are experiencing cramps or soreness after intercourse, talk to your OB-GYN about ways to mitigate the discomfort. 

When Should I Be Worried?

Attentive Black Husband Caressing His Pregnant Wife Tummy

Pregnancy sex can promote intimacy in your relationship as well as offer a host of physical benefits. If your OB-GYN has given you the green light to have sex during pregnancy, then you should. But it’s also good to monitor your body and be mindful of the signs that something could be wrong. 

Call your OB-GYN if any of these symptoms occur after intercourse during pregnancy:

  • Bleeding
  • Fever and/or chills
  • Sharp stomach pain
  • Dizziness, nausea, or vomiting
  • Severe stomach cramps or contractions with growing intensity

When To Visit Your OB-GYN

Hopefully, these pregnancy sex tips boost your confidence about sex while pregnant. If you haven’t visited a board-certified obstetrician in South Miami or Downtown Doral, we encourage you to make an appointment. 

At South Miami OB-GYN Associates, we have supported countless women along their pregnancy journeys. If you or someone you know is planning to become pregnant, contact us today. Our obstetricians in South Miami and Doral look forward to serving you.

Schedule your visit online or call 305.665.1133.