Maintaining vaginal health is all about balance. Fortunately, our bodies are designed to maintain this naturally. As self-cleaning organs, all vaginas contain various microbes that work to keep everything in check. Certain products, behaviors and age, however, can cause the healthy “good” bacteria to be outnumbered by “bad” bacteria, leading to infections, diseases, and other concerns. 

By learning how to protect and promote your vaginal health, you can help ward off these concerns and have a better understanding of when it’s time to seek medical care.

At South Miami OG-GYN Associates, we understand the importance of vaginal wellness for total body health. For this reason, our mission is to empower you with knowledge so that you can make the best decisions for your body. Schedule an appointment with our board-certified OB-GYNs in South Miami and Doral today.


What is Vaginal Health?

Vaginal health can look different for each person. But there are some general tips for a healthy vagina that everyone can follow. In promoting vaginal health, it is important to understand the factors that can compromise your vaginal wellness. 

Factors that can cause bad bacteria to take over:

  • Certain antibiotics
  • Improper hygiene
  • Pregnancy
  • Increased stress
  • Tight pants
  • Unsafe sex
  • Wearing wet pants/swimsuits/underwear for too long
  • Vaginal products, like sprays, lubricants, vaginal moisturizers, and douching products

What Are Signs of Poor Vaginal Wellness?

Your body does a good job of signaling when something is out of balance. The signals will vary depending on the cause, but there are some general symptoms you can expect to indicate bacterial unbalance and infection. 

Signs to watch for:

  • Pain or rashes around the vagina
  • Any unusual lumps or bumps 
  • Unusual discharge (oddly colored, usually yellow, gray, thick white, or greenish)
  • Strong, unpleasant odor from your vaginal discharge
  • Swelling around the vagina and the vulva
  • Itching around the vagina and the vulva
  • Burning sensation around the vagina and the vulva

A discharge is not always a sign of something concerning. In fact, healthy discharge is how your vagina self-cleans. The key here is to recognize this healthy process (which appears more clear or whitish) from discharge that is concerning. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your OB-GYN right away. They may prescribe vaginal estrogen to supplement a hormone deficiency or confirm a diagnosis of an infection. 

Infections associated with unusual discharge:

  • Vaginitis: This term broadly describes various types of vaginal infections. Burning, itching, and swelling are some indicators of vaginitis. 
  • Yeast infection: This is a very common type of vaginitis. It occurs when there is an overgrowth of candida, a fungus, in the vagina. 
  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV): Another common form of vaginitis, BV can occur when certain behaviors upset the balance between good and bad bacteria in the vagina.

Gynecologist Woman Talking With Young Female Patient During Medical Consultation in Modern Clinic

Understanding Vaginal pH for Vaginal Wellness

When talking about the vagina’s natural healthy balance of “good” and “bad” microbes, what’s being described is the acidic environment. Your vagina’s level of acidity is measured using a pH number. The higher the pH number of your vagina (7 or greater), the more alkaline it is. The lower the number (7 or less), the more acidic it is. 

For good vaginal health, the ideal pH is 4.5 or lower. This would indicate a healthy balance of microbes and an overall healthy vagina. Any pH number higher than that may indicate that there are not enough healthy microbes to fight against infection. Estrogen helps maintain this acid/alkaline balance, but as estrogen levels change throughout life, this natural process can become vulnerable or disrupted.

Tips for a Healthy Vagina

Maintaining your vaginal health is completely within your control. By adopting some healthy behaviors, you can ensure that the bacterial makeup of your vagina and vulva remains balanced. Here are some tips for a healthy vagina that you can follow today. 

Daily tips for optimal health:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid pantyliners and thongs
  • Use mild, unscented soap when bathing
  • Eat a healthy diet and maintain optimal weight
  • Avoid feminine sprays, oils, and deodorants
  • Visit your OB-GYN and get regular screenings and tests
  • Avoid using vaginal soaps or wipes with harsh chemicals
  • Use unscented tampons and change them frequently
  • Be wary of using a vaginal moisturizer and commercial lubricants; opt for natural solutions, like coconut oil, instead

Carefully following these and any additional tips for a healthy vagina that your OB-GYN suggests will help keep your pH level in balance and infections at bay. 

Revive Your Feminine Vitality

Age affects your vagina like it does the rest of your body. Whether your hormones are fluctuating, you’ve given birth, you’re experiencing menopause, or all of the above, there are ways to restore your vagina’s function and appearance. 

Ways to revive your feminine vitality:

  • Vaginal rejuvenation treatments: Get expert care at South Miami OB-GYN Associates to improve the appearance and comfort of your vagina. We offer a host of treatments including Morpheus8V, Votiva, FormaV and Vtone. These treatments are non-surgical and typically require only a few sessions before achieving ideal results.
  • Vaginal estrogen: If your body is low in estrogen, you may experience dryness, soreness, itchiness, and a frequent urge to urinate. Vaginal estrogen, applied topically, as a tablet, or inserted, can reduce these symptoms. 
  • Vaginal moisturizer: If you’re experiencing excessive dryness and discomfort, a vaginal moisturizer can help. However, be sure to look for a vaginal moisturizer that is free of any alcohol, hormones, or parabens, as these can disrupt your bacterial balance. 

Get Expert Care at South Miami OB-GYN Associates

At South Miami OB-GYN, we have treated dozens of patients who are concerned with their vaginal wellness. Not only do we understand the unique sensitivity and discomfort you may be experiencing, but we make sure to find a solution that best serves you. 

Schedule your visit today online or call 305.665.1133 to get expert care at South Miami OB-GYN Associates.